Chapter Four: Shapeshifter Academy

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*Demi's POV*

Winter and I are driven to a huge school in the countryside. And I mean huge. Imagine ten schools next to each other. That's how big it was.

"It's a boarding school." says my mom.

"Does it have a uniform?" Winter asks.

"No." says Auntie April.

"Good!" I say.

A girl with blonde hair in a plait runs up to us.

"Hi! I'm Anya Scotland! Nice to meet you. Want help with your bags?"

"O-okay." says Winter as my auntie and mom take out two suitcases (both Winter's). Anya take out the other two (not at the same time of course) and we walk towards the boarding school.

"The lessons are Monday to Wednesday from 10am to 1pm. We have a lesson and then break and then another lesson just before lunch and then another lesson after." says Anya.

"What do we do in the rest of the week?"

"We just play games, relax, eat and control your shapeshifting. Winter, you're a snow leopard and Demi, you're a wolf. I'm a Fenec Fox."

We enter the school. Students are running around all over the place. Anya shows Winter and I to the girls' Star dorm.

"There's four houses: Star, Sun, Flower and Love. I'm in Love. I used to be in Sun but I got bullied for being a Fenec Fox shifter." says Anya.

We've finally unpacked all our stuff. We can have phones here, and go on them in lesson to research. The WiFi is on all the time because a few students are from a different time zone and they have to talk to their parents or siblings.

We went to assembly. I sat in the middle of Winter and another girl who was called Yasu (Japanese for tranquil).

"The school year is from January to May and you are on holiday until September 14th. You have half term every four weeks, and you don't have training days, only bank holidays." said the principal, Miss Green.

The bell rang and everyone said bye to Miss Green and left the assembly hall.
I hope you've enjoyed it so far. Don't forget to vote, comment and follow me. I'll follow you back.


Facts about the characters:
Demi and Winter's parents are from the US but they moved to the UK.

And thanks to KimberlyLockwood for making me covers for my stories! I really appreciate it! :)

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