Chica X Foxy ~ Grooming

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(A/N: Requested by JJtheIntrovert. It's fairly short, got pretty stuck on what to do for this, to be honest?)

"That's gross!", Chica squeaked, "What the hell are you doing?!"

"Oh shush," Foxy pouted, "Just touch it, it feels so sharp!"

"That's- It- No!", Chica shook her head, why was she even thinking about it?!

"Is'a toenail, not poison, Jesus!", Foxy rolled his eyes and continued plucking his toenails, "Why do I even 'aft to do 'is anyway?", The boy complained.

"Because your toenails make you go a shoe size up," Chica huffed, brushing back her hair and tying it up.

"Ah, c'mon, tha's a bit of an exaggeration, cheeks," Foxy replied in a confident tone.

"Well that's the only thing that gets through your thick skull, yiffer," Chica grinned back, making Foxy stick out his tongue.

"I'm not a girl so why do I 'aft to do 'is?", Foxy complained again, Chica giving him a disapproving look.

"Because it makes you look nice," She sighed, making Foxy shrug, guessing she had a point.

"Aye", He replied, clipping his toenails quietly. Chica shuffled behind him and began to brush his hair.

"This looks...Like it hasn't been done in ages!", Chica gasped, dragging the brush through his hair, "Oh my god!"

"OUCH! OUCH!", Foxy screamed, whimpering and trying to pull away. Chica just huffed and pulled him back by his hair.

"Sorry," She sighed, combing his hair as softly as she could. Foxy was still moaning as his red clump of hair was being combed.

"You're mean!", Foxy hissed, finishing his nails and trying to pull away again.

"God dammit, stay still, bitch!", She whined, holding him back brushing his hair more roughly this time.

"Fuck you!", Foxy snapped, "You're not- Ge' off!", He tried to move away again, Chica pulling back more forceful as a result.

"Do I have to call Freddy to do your hair?"

"Please don't."

"Then shut up," Chica demanded, brushing his hair for about ten minutes to make it perfect, "Ooh! I know what I could do!", Chica smiled happily, jumping off the bed and grabbing something from out of her wardrobe.

"Wh...What are they?"

"Hair straighteners!"


Foxy ran towards the door but sadly, Chica got there first, "Nuh, huh," She smiled, "Now sit down."

Foxy did as told, reluctantly of course and sat down. Chica spent her time doing his hair, straightening it.

"Thanks...I guess," Foxy sighed, beginning to relax a bit.


"Yeah- F'r looking out f'r me," Foxy told her, a little smile on his face, "I guess it's nice to have someone look after you..."

"Thanks," Chica smiled with a joyful blush, "I'll always look after you."

"Thanks, cheeks."  

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2017 ⏰

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