lit (con)

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so last night there was drama. and when i say drama i mean a lot. i'm just gonna sum this up by a text i just sent my friend.

listen okay. i'm gonna tell you something and idk if you're really gonna appreciate it. recently you've been pushing me farther away from you. i've tried talking to you but when i do it's for like a minute. last night was really unnecessary. you telling me i was blaming your bus was ridiculous considering all i said was that it wasn't our bus who did anything. i posted that on my story because of what happened, not because of you. idk why you got so pissed off about it. and the fact that you & the flag line basically ganged up on me made me feel like a piece of shit. i don't know if i'll even be in flag anymore. & (blank) messaging me was definitely not called for and her send the screen shots to (blank)  who was sitting behind me wasn't okay either. i wasn't talking shit, all i said was "that's why i switched to bus 1" and "i'm not talking shit". she took that too far. so i don't even know if we're friends anymore at this point. by the time this school year is over i'll basically have ( blank) and that's it. all my friends now are seniors and this week is their last week. i just don't feel as close as we did 6 years ago. but if you feel the same way, cool. thanks for being a good friend for that long.

so yeah. that.

henlo.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon