Chapter 1, The Partner Talk

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Jeff's POV •~•~•~•

I walked around the grounds of the mansion thinking to myself. I often did this while twirling my knife, but I left it inside so Eyeless Jack could clean it. I never told him too, E.J was just nice like that.
I saw Laughing Jill by the pond and Sally in the garden. The air smelt nice from all the blood and roses that was everywhere.
I really liked this place, well more that like. This was my first real home.  Before the 'incident' my parents would move me and Liu everywhere, we never had a stable home for long. Liu always kept me happy by playing video games with me. How I wish he was here.

"Hey Sally." I greeted as I sat down besides her. She looked up from her dolls. Her eyes are what entriged me about her. Such a beautiful shade of emerald green. She wore a pink nightgown with no socks or shoes. Her brown hair was wavy and reached her lower back. Charlie, her demon bear, stood a few feet away. Watching her play. Now watching me.
"Hey Jeffy." She said is her childlike voice. She passed one of the dolls to me. "Wanna play with me?" She asked and leaned her head to the side.
I looked around, only Jill was outside. "Sure Sally." I smiled.
I wasn't usually nice to people, but Sally was an acception to my kindness. She sweet and innocent, I was glad Slendy made her forget all the bad things that happened to her. I've always had a soft spot for children.

We played together for a few hours. She was really like the sister I never had, I would not ever let anyone hurt her. They'd have to kill me to do it.

"So Sally, do you know where Slendy is?" I asked. She nodded her head . "Where?"
"He told me that he was bringing a new member today." Sally told me.
I raised an eyebrow. "Really?"
She nodded again. "He also told me that he was going to-" She covered her face with her hands.
"Im not supposed to tell you!"
I placed Sally on my lap gently. "Now Sally, if it concerenes me tell me."
"He said ,hes was going to be your partner." She whispered.

Suddenly, my whole world stopped.

A partner? Did I hear correctly? Sally didn't realize this but when Slenderman assignes partners, he means forever.
Masky and Hoodie were partners. Laughing Jack and Jill were also. So were Clockwork and Toby. And not to mention Judge Angels and Bloody Painter.
Basicly you make such a close bond with your partner that you fall for them.

"Are you alright Jeffy?" She asked concerned. I nodded and starigthened up. "I have to go get something to eat." I lied and got up.
I walked away, after I noticed Sally wasn't looking I ran to the kitchen.

Nobody was there so I just stared at the sink with my unblinking eyes. I felt nauseus . I didn't feel ready to have a lover. Truth was I never had a girlfriend. Nor a boyfriend. Or anything for the matter, yah I flirted with many, but nothing ever clicked.

I sighed loudly and slammed my hands besides the sink. I never wanted this. I never wanted to bind myself to someone. I don't even know who this 'someone' is!

I walked to the living room where Masky was seated silently.

"Hey Masky." I greeted. He nodded at me and stared at his phone.
I sat besides him and coughed.
He looked up. His white mask looked a bit dark in the dim lighting. "Yes?" He asked politely.
"What's it like?" I asked.
He seemed taken back. "Like what sex? Its OK Jeff we all know your a virg-" I smacked the back of his head.

"No you idiot, having a partner." I said  the last part as if I was telling a child.

"Oohh thaaat!" He dragged out. He placed the phone on the coffe table. "Mind if I go a bit homo on this?" He asked.

I shrugged ,"Sure." Not like it mattered.

"OK." He started. "Basicly you feel a drawing to your partner. Like your metal and he's the magnet. You want to help them whenever you can, you want to be with them. You want to love them. Loving your partner obviously creates a better connection. You'll know each others moves and skills making you two the best killing pair for missions, that's why Hoodie and I are so good at our job. When one of you dies the other is left empty and hollow. You need each other to have a reason to live. Why do you ask?"

I stared at him. That was deeper than I thought. Really deep.

"Don't tell anyone, but . . . Sally told me Slendy is going to get me a partner."
He stared at me ,"Really?"
I nodded.
"Wow, I'm surprised, you seem like a great killer by yourself I don't see a reason for you to have one."
I shrugged. "Maybe Slendy thinks I need to get laid."
He laughed. A second later Hoodie walked in with two plates of cheesecakes.
Weird, I didn's see him in the kitchen earlier. Probably got them from his room or something. Who knows what these two weirdos are up to in there.

"I'll leave you two alone." I said quickly and left.

Hoodie didn't say anything. Then again he never does. He was a quiet fellow. Very odd, but a great friend at least. 

I walked to my room alone. I passed a monochrome door, a brown door with two hatchets and a clock in the middle,and lastly a colorful door with angel wings.

I groaned.

I forgot, partners were roomates too.

I knocked on the monochrome door. Laughing Jack popped his head a out and smiled. "Hey Jeffy!" He grinned showing many sharp teeth.
"Look L.J, I'm going to take a nap, wake me when Slendy comes back, K?"
He nodded quickly. "Alrigthy!"
He opened the door all the way and skipped away singing about children's heads on spears.

I rolled my eyes and walked to my room again. I opened my white door with red blood splateres. Inside was normal. I had a TV ,a bed,dressing drawers, and a table for my knife collection. I had to admit it was kinda lonely. Maybe a partner wasn't to bad.

I wouldn't be so lonely.

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