Gellert loved Albus

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Argument 1.
Grindelwald was an extremely selfish and self-centred person, yet he cared greatly for Albus. Gellert, one of if not the most selfish people in the HP universe, was willing to share mastering death with Albus, Gellert Grindelwald really wanted to master death with Albus and take over the world with him.

Argument 2.
He tried to lie to Voldemort in order to stop him going after Albus, giving his own life in the process.

Argument 3.
He didn't want to win the duel in 1945 because, one he felt he owed Albus so much, and two he didn't want to physically harm Albus.

Argument 4.
They became friends instantly. For most becoming best friends can take time but Albus and Gellert became best friends instantly.

Hi I'm abs, I'm a Slytherin, I love Harry Potter, and I really am defensive about my fan theory's.

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