Were it all begins

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Narrator POV
She sat there. Alone, her head bowed and her legs sitting in a uncomfortable position;the straight jacket tightens on her arms as she arched her back only silence filled the room but Catherine liked the silence it sang her to sleep every night, but sometimes she felt as though it was never quiet because every last minute her head would scream terrible things at her: threatening her, forcing her to do things she doesn't want to do, making her feel weak and inferior. Catherine fought with this monster  that possesses her mind everyday and everyday it would get worse.
Suddenly the heavy metal door that separated Catherine from freedom opened, she looked up wearily and stood there was an armed guard as well as tarani a friend you had formed over the years you've been here, he was a good friend you still didn't put 'all' your trust into him but you still counted him as a friend or comrade.

Catherine's POV
I sat there waiting for them to do their 'job' they cautiously moved towards me as they wrapped their hands around my arms on either side and hoisted me up then placed me on the wheelchair beside me, wrapping the chains around me and the wheelchair like ropes 'yea sure it's not the most comfortable thing in the world but I can live with it after all I've felt worse'

We traveled down the plane white hallways until we reached our destination, they opened the door using a hand scan and we set off once more. After a while of twists and turns we finally made it to the dark room of forgotten dreams ' I might not look it but I was terrified of going in that room all they do is experiment on me and torture me there's nothing good about it even worse they put me in a metal container for hours testing my reactions towards different kinds of chemicals I'm guessing trying to find a cure.

But they can't see that I can't be cured there way too late for that, they should have tried 5 years ago when I was still a little bit sane besides there's no point On trying it's impossible to cure something your born with.

The large metal door creaked open and the wheels started rolling, suddenly I felt a wave of panic hit me I can't take this anymore.

It's time.

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