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I raise my hand to knock on the two tall doors, but the doornob turns and opens before my knuckles make contact.

A lady with deep brown eyes and messy hair pulled up into a bun stands inside the doorway. She looks like a strick buisness women. When she sees me, a big grin spreads across her face. I smile back.

"Welcome, welcome! You must be Madison!" She exclaims. My smile fades when she says my name. Only my Mother called me by my full name.

I quickly replace my smile. "I prefer Maddy."

"Alright, Maddy it is. Come on in sweetie." She offers.

The lady opens the door enough for me to slip past her, and walk into the biggest foyer I've ever seen. My breath catches as I look around at vases and paintings and two broad staircases leading up to a terrace-like loft.

 My breath catches as I look around at vases and paintings and two broad staircases leading up to a terrace-like loft

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"Welcome home, Maddy. I'm your aunt Melody." I hear my aunt say behind me.


Aunt Melody guides me up the staircase on the left, and shows me to my room, which is on the second floor. I'm already lost in the huge house. We stand outside the door to my room and she explains the basic rules.

1. Always in your room by 9 pm
2. Do not enter a room without knocking or granted permission
3. Dinner is at 6 on weekdays, and 7 on the weekends
4. Do not talk to the staff
5. Never go on the fourth floor.

"Unfortunately, I have work to do." Aunt Melody explains. "But once you are settled in, I will have one of our maids show you around. If you need anything, press the black button by the lightswitch to get assistance from a maid. If you have an emergency, press the red button to contact me or Ben. I hope you like your room. And get some rest, dinner is in an hour. I'll have your bags brought up to your room." She smiles and walks off.

Slowly, I open the door and peek inside my room.

Just as expected, it's organized and decorated to a 16 year old's liking.

The room is mostly light purple, (my favorite color) and zebra printed. The queen size bed is decorated with a patterned comforter and throw pillows. Two windows are covered with black curtains, and the only other light source is a little purple chandelier above my bed, and two lamps on either side of it. Theres also a little bench that lifts up to become a little chest at the foot of my bed, and two slim black bookshelves filled with R.L Stine and Nancy Drew. There is also a few paintings, a faux fur rug, and a sunroof. I also have my own bathroom.

This is better than I ever could have imagine. It didn't even compare to the tiny apartment i shared with my dad.

 It didn't even compare to the tiny apartment i shared with my dad

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I flop onto the bed, not bothering to take off my shoes. I didn't even realize how tired I was until my eyes closed and I drift into sleep.


I wake up to knocking on my door. My window's curtains are pulled to the sides and warm sunlight floods the room. I guess I slept through the rest of the night. My bags are sitting next to my bed as promised.

"Come in." I croak in my lovely after-sleep voice.

An old lady with an apron and grey hair waddles through the doorway pushing a little cart full of towels, shampoos and conditioners, moisturizers and lotions, perfumes, scrubs, and toiletries.

"Mrs. Dalton sent me to wake you, dear. My name is Grace and I'll be your personal maid." Grace says.

She leaves the cart in the room and walks towards the door. As she's about to leave, she turns around.

"I almost forgot. Breakfast is at 10, so freshen up buttercup. I'll be back in an hour to bring you to the dining room. And look nice! You'll be meeting everyone today. All of your clothes are in that room," she points to a door. "They should all be your size. Now hurry, you wouldn't want to be late to breakfast." Grace pipes and winks at me. When she leaves, I hop out of bed.

My phone lies on the little bench and a small card sits beside it. In neat handwriting it says, "Here's the internet password. Don't worry about getting a signal, there's a router in every corner of the house. -Aunt Melody"

I look through the shower soaps. After getting a handful of vanilla and cherry scented things, I grab some towels and prepare for the day. The bathroom is decorated as nicely as my room.

After stripping off my clothes and shoes, I turn the shower handle and step into the steamy shower.

Maybe it won't be so bad here.


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