Chapter One:

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Today is finally my day.

After twelve years of hard work and determination, my journey and pay off starts today. Right now actually.

"You have everything you need, Hailey, Hailey! Are you sure?" My over protective father asks for maybe the seventh time this morning. He looks me over again. "Are you spacing out again?"

"Dad, stop! Im fine!"

"And you have everything-"

"Trainers, racers, poles, poles with guards, both pairs of boots, helmet, helmet with chin attachment, goggles, race suits, shin guards, arm guards, snow pants, jackets, neck ups, and the extras."


"Tools to fix stuff, sunglasses, and hand warmers, just in case." I say with a smile.

That's just my ski stuff, I still need clothes and toiletries and other things. But my dad just wants to know the important stuff.

"Okay, bye honey. I am so proud of you." He brings me in for a tight hug. "I will see you soon."

"Bye dad."

And just like that, I am leaving the comfort of my home in Park City, Utah. I suppose I was never home much anyways, spending most of my time at Burke Academy in VT. But now I am on a plane and heading to Beijing for the 2022 Winter Olympics.

I sit down on a plane, which is filled to the brim with other alpine skiers. I look around curious as to who these people are. I do recognize a bunch of names, but others I don't. I am sharing an apartment with Hunter Grayson, and alpine skier who races super g, gs and slalom, just like me. Maybe we were matched together personality wise? I am not quite sure. Everything is so surreal.

I end up sitting next to Blaire Gamble, the reining GS gold medalist. She was fun to talk too, and we joke that I will be chasing her for that medal. She tells me about how the olympics work, from an alumni perspective. It was comforting and helpful, I am one of the newbies around.

"That's Hunter over there," Blaire whispers, pointing me to a tall blond. "Beware, he is a major flirt. I met him in the last olympics."

"OMG! Is he the one who won bronze at 16?"

"Yep. Majorly talented and majorly arrogant. You should have a fun time rooming with him." She comments sarcastically.

I take one last glance of my shoulder, and to my surprise he is already looking at me. He gives me a wink, flashing one of those half smile smirks. I roll my eyes and turn around, putting my attention to getting to know Rhett Mitchel, a two time olympic participant with a medal and a disappointing fourth place which brought him back for more with his third year.

But I know stories like Blaire and Rhett, Hunter... he is just a bit more mysterious. I know all about his talent, he flaunts that like crazy. But other than his crazy billionaire dad, I don't know anything about him.

Uhhh, maybe I shouldn't get so involved, I need to focus on why I am here. I watch some video's of past winners in slalom and other medalists to kill the time. My finger goes right over the news page. I don't know if I dare touch it. Coming out as the second place in the world cup for GS, first for slalom, fifth for gs, and a seventh for super g, my name buzzes a lot lately. Its nerve racking to put myself out there though.


I unload my bags into the apartment. Hunter has yet to arrive, which is a blessing and a curse.

"I suppose I can just pick the room I want..." I mumble to myself. I plug in my phone to the speaker and put on my favorite songs playlist

I want you back by Jackson Five comes on and I instantly sing along with the chorus, amongst putting away some clothes in an empty drawer.

My Name is Hailey WilsonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant