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Ugh, I don't want to go to school in the morning.

Anyways, a little side note from me; this book is sucking dick.

~ skully ❤️


I woke up to someone slapping my ass. I was sleeping on my belly. "Wake up, little boy." My eyes shot open as I recognized the voice "Lucas!" I said jumping up. "The hell!?" He chuckled slightly "your mom wanted me come wake you up. We are going to the beach, so get ready." Lucas said, and my eyes lit up and I nodded.

Me and mom always gone to the beach in summer, almost every week or so. Now we have them.

I slipped on my trunks and I went down the stairs. My mom knew of my scars, but I forgot about the others. There's scars on my sides, belly, and my shoulder. Yeah, I had a bad teen starting years. But I'm okay now.

Lucas stared at them with soft eyes. He wanted to ask, but he held it back. For my sake. I silently thanked him in my head.



We arrived at the beach five hours later. I was excited. I put down my stuff, and ran to the water. I was swimming around, when I noticed someone. Someone familiar. Someone I didn't want to see anymore; one who caused me these scars.

He made eye contact with me, and I grew scared. Lucas was near me, I could tell he was watching me worriedly. Simply floating trying to act cool. Failing for me.

John my ex boyfriend and ex daddy.

Came swimming over. I yelped and swam backwards. But it failed, he made it to me. "Well, well, well look what we have here." John said "Rain, it's been a while." I wasn't saying anything, it's also a worse mistake ever. John is the one who hates not being answered. "Answer me! Bitch!" He growled.

Lucas swam closer to me. "I said answer me!" I felt Lucas's arms around my waist and he pulled me and I floated behind him. "Back away from Rain." Lucas said almost growling. My arms are around him keeping me there.

John also hates people who bosses him around.

"DONT YOU FUCKING TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" John yelled, making the people near us stare. Unwanted attention is now on us. I was hiding my face in Lucas's bare wet back.

Lucas tensed up as he got angry. "And you have no right to cause harm to a cute boy like Rain." Lucas said and I gasped, he said that? Really? "You caused those scars. Those, scars on the most beautiful body ever! Your not worth to have a baby boy or anyone in that matter! So, get the fuck on." Lucas yelled.

My eyes widen, as he said all those things.

What is going on..?

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