Chapter One

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A/N: Yeah, I need to stop just randomly writing these new stories... That's a big problem I have, when I start a story, I easily get uninterested and bored, and it's hard for me to finish. I really just need to work on that.. But for now, I suppose you are stuck with... With... I dunno... All these... Stories... Until I find one that... Erm.. Interests me completely? That's all... Writing on ipod touch so ignore all the misspellings! Kay, bye? :D

Disclaimer: I don't, in any way, shape or form, own the members of One Direction or any of their songs. All rights go to their original owners. Though I won't own many of the things written here, for the small amount of things I DO own, credit me and whatnot. That is all.

Enjoy!....or don't enjoy, I suppose.


Chapter One

"I'm HUUUNGRRRRY!" I complained, stomping my feet along the floorboard of our car. We had been driving just about all day, and this was the longest I had ever went without eating.

I could practically feel Liam rolling his eyes in the drivers seat. "Niall, you had two cheeseburgers not even thirty minutes ago."

I grimaced, gripping my stomach. That hadn't been the best choice in food. "Please don't remind me..."

Zayn let out a small laugh to the left of me, and I grinned. At least one of us was in a good mood. Harry and Louis were a bit mad at each other at the moment. We didn't know what exactly they fought about, but with the death glares they were giving off, Liam, Zayn, and I silently agreed it would be best to separated while we were on the road.

"Feed me! Feed me, now!" I whined, letting out a huff and flapping my hands like a child. I know I am acting like a kid, but I don't care. I'm hungry. I want food. I don't know how much more of this I can take! Something has to be done at once.


Alright, I admit, maybe I overreacted just a tad. Liam was still shouting at me, and to be honest, I am pretty scared. I have never seen him look so angry.

His face was a really bright color of red, turning into a deeper shade after every word he screamed. He was sporting a split lip, fresh blood oozing out slightly. His eyes were set in a glare so fierce, I nearly fell over when he first whipped around to yell at me. He literally looked ready to murder.


I flinched.

It was a few minutes after I announced I was hungry, and I was getting restless. I didn't mean for it to happen, I was just extremely bored and... well.. you'd be surprised what I'd do when I'm starved.

"Just pull over, Liam! Come on!" I tried to convince him for the fifth time. He gripped the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles going white. That meant he was getting annoyed. I smirked. He was bound to crack any second now.

"Niall, stop. I'm not pulling over just so you can waste much needed time and money stuffing your face with food you don't even need."

I gasped. How dare he. "Food I don't need? Food I don't NEED!? You..." I shook my head in disbelief. "How could you say something like that!"

"Niall... Mate.. Please." This had been the first time Harry has spoken all day, and he sounded exhausted. "Can you give it a rest?"

I opened my mouth to retort, but closed it again when I saw his expression. His lack of talking to Louis appeared to be eating him alive.

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