Chapter Eight

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A/N: Heyo folks! First things first... Just wanted to talk about the TOTALLY FUCKING AWESOME NIAMNESS THAT WENT ON YESTERYANDER ON TWITTER!!! I swear, I'm going to just EXPLODE with happiness one of these days because of all my Niam feels <33 I seriously love them!! If Liam doesn't marry Danielle, I forbid him to date anybody else other then Niall... or me... But mostly Niall... *le nods head and fangirl squeals* I just can't take all the love!! <33

Anyways, in other news... YAY!! Updating! WOOO! Thank you ALL for the lovely comments and votes and support! I know I say this in every chapter, but I really want you guys to know how much it means to me! Seriously, It means way more then I can ever say or type out or anything, and I really want you all to understand that! So THANK YOU <3 Really, I'm glad you guys are enjoying it, and your comments make me smile like a complete nutter.

In other, OTHER news... The Adventurous Adventures of One Direction. If you have NOT seen that, I highly suggest you stop reading this RIGHT NOW and go look it up on youtube. Seriously, if you are a Directioner, or just a fan... or whatever... You have not LIVED until you've seen that video!! :D :D :D

Alright! I'm wasting space, and you're time... I don't think this chapter is going to be very long. Again, like in just about every other chapter, I am indeed 'Winging It'... That is to say, I have absolutely no idea where I'm going from here, but I'm writing it all down as it pops in my head! Therefore, short-ish chapter! Also the fact I need to go in a few minutes O_O

OKAY! Enjoy! Or dont.. up to you... :P And sorry this Author's Note is really long... I hate when I make author's notes long.. because it lies about the length of the chapter.. and.. yeah.. sorry.. kay.. YEAH!


Chapter Eight

I walk into the room and sit down awkwardly on the couch, now in a fresh clean pair of clothes. Liam had taken the stairs up to his room to change, whereas I just stuck with the elevator. He had not yet joined the others and I in the television room, where Zayn and Harry were now arguing what movie we were going to watch.

"Seriously, Harry.. We are watching The Thief Lord! I haven't seen that movie in ages."

Harry shakes his head ferociously and lifts up a DVD case, tapping the cover twice. "No way. We are watching Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events!"

"No, Haz! I wanna watch The Thief Lord! And plus, that sounds like a stupid movie!"

Harry gasps, grabbing his heart. "ZAYN! How dare you insult one of the best movies in the world! Have you no shame!?"

Zayn rolls his eyes and presses a button on the the side of the telly, then reaches to put in his disk. Harry hurriedly slaps the disk from his hands, causing it to rolls across the floor and crash into the wall. Zayn whips around and glares at him.

"Harry Styles! Why'd you do that!? These aren't even our DVDs! Now it's going to be scratched!"

Harry smirks. "Well, seeing as it's already scratched..." He hops over a small pile of movies and DVDs that the two of them went through and decided not to watch, opens up his movie case, and puts the DVD in happily. 

Zayn looks over to me, his eye twitching. "Niall! Fix this! Tell him we're watching The Thief Lord!"

I sigh and give him a small smile. "Sorry, mate. I would, but do you honestly think I have any control as to what he does or not?"

Zayn frowns and slugs over to where I am, falling feebly onto the couch with a groan. "It's not fair... I want to watch my movie!"

I grin and nudge him playfully. "Well, since we do have the day to do whatever we want, why don't you just watch it next?"

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