The great love

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We were standing on the edge of a pool, all the lights were out. It was quiet and I think I saw a little smile on Sherlock's face. Now he was looking at me with a larger smile and suddenly he pulled me in the pool. As my body touched the water I made an high-pich sound, and Sherlock started to laugh. Now we were in the water, just the two of us, it was quiet, only the waves were slowly moving closer to the edges of the pool and hitting the sides, while making a quiet sound. Suddenly he crabt my shirt and pulled me closer to his body, he looked me in the eyes and I said.
- What are you wating for?
Then he leaned down still holding on to my shirt and started kissing me, I slowely moved my arm from his back higher to his shoulder and neck. Then he turned me arownd and he wrapt hes arms around me, I had my back against he's chest and he started to kiss my neck to my shoulder, then I turned around, and kissed him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2017 ⏰

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