Chapter 1

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Shit comes. I thought when a two lover birds are heading to me

"Hey Sooyang" the guy said

"What do you want?" I said coldly

"Whoa, chill Sooyang. Did something happen?" The guy said as I rolled my eyes in annoyance

"What do you want? Go straight to the point" I said

"Well we wanted to know our future. If we will be having a fami-" I cut the girl and say

"Family and shit?" I asked then laughing bitterly, I then ask my brain if they will have their 'family'. I sigh and say "Are you really sure about knowing your future?" I asked still annoyed, then they nod excitedly "No, you won't have a family," I smiled bitterly "Have a nice future" then leave leaving the couple shock

I don't know why people wanted to know their future. If I were them. I'll just let the fate do its job, cherish the moment with the people they love, not bothering to the future because why bother if that will come itself?

"Seriously?" I hissed annoyingly to the  person who bumps me while my things are now all over in the ground

"Did you know him? Do you know us?" The guy said with a strong tone

"Obviously, N.O." I said to the person who is asking, if I do know them, then I rolled my eyes

"Oh wait, you're the gay shit that every girls like" I said in irritating tone then when I said that the whole crowd gasped and some of them gossiping and taking a video then fairly laughed, then suddenly one of the members is getting ready to punch me but the guy who bump me earlier stopped him

"Hyung, it's okay. Well, I'm sorry for bumping you." He smiled warmly and handed my things that recently is on the ground. Wait, shit. He got me there,

I just rolled my eyes and exit the scene

Finally, my day in school ended normally

By the way, my name is Do Sooyang

Right now, I'm walking in the street alone heading to my apartment.

My parents died a year ago, and then since I got a lot of aunties and uncles, they're the one who kept me, but the one who really do kept me personally is my auntie and my Irish uncle.

They spoiled me so much, since I'm a girl, because actually they have a son which kind of my age, so they treat me as there real child.

Not to brag, they're really rich, got tons of money, that's why I got this expensive phone though.

Almost there, and I'm finally hom-

"Mhhhhhh!! Mhhhh!" Someone cover my nose and mouth with a handkerchief. Shit, is this the end of my life? I thought then my sight went black and..

"Oww," I moaned in pain. Shit, I'm blindfolded. I thought. I tried to move my hands and legs but I can't, I'm fucking tied up. What happen, why I am tied up, blindfolded and feel dizzy as fuck. Oh wait, I was kidnapped. Shit happens again.

"Who the fuck are you?! Where am I?! Let me go you motherfuck!!" I yell hoping somebody hears me

"Oh, your now awake, sweetheart" the guy said- wait, his voice. It's familiar. I thought then he touched my chin

"You know, you're beautiful." he then chuckled loudly enough to hear it. Fuck. I don't want to lose my precious v-card yet, plus I want to reach 21 years

"What do you want for me?! What do you want?! What did I do to you?! Who are you?! Show yourself coward!!" I said full of questions.

When I said coward, he then tighten the grip of his hands then let go, after that I fell something that someone unites my blindfold and the rope that tied me up in my whole body.

Then finally, I can breath freely, I can see clearly-wait, shit. It's dark. He do turn the lights off. What a coward. I said then starting to stand up and take my phone to use it as my flash light then

"Advance Happy Birthday Sooyang!!" A group of people say in unison. My friends, my old friends.

"What the fuck dudes," I said then chuckle, the real one "I almost died in shock surrounded by me." Then smiled

"We just wanted to sunrise you" Tawan said

"But you seems to course a lot" Jinyoung said and chuckle

"Yeah, yeah" they said in unison then chuckled

"Can I have a group hug then?" I said with a smile

Then they agree and give me the most warmest hug ever that I missed in ages

An: writer_seok2 as promise :)

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