Chapter 3

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Selena's POV:

Me and Demi just got back from the doctor.Pattie recommended a good one to take care of my pregnancy.

Today was my first appointment with her,the doctor,her name is Sarah and she was really nice.I liked her,she also said that my baby is fine,which I glad.Demi insisted in going with,I said that she didn't need to but,she said she wanted to go.I still can't believe I'm here.In the past week my mood changed a lot and not because of the pregnancy.At first I was happy,I was with Nick,the one I actually wanted to spent my whole life with.Then I got shocked and scared when I found out about my baby,then I was hopeful,cause I thought me and Nick were going to work things out together.Then I got devastated when he said he didn't want the baby.And now I'm kind of happy again,you know?I have Demi and her family that are being do nice to me.I know Michael since I was a baby and he was always like a father to me,Pattie is so sweet,and she is helping me a lot telling me about pregnancy.Even Justin,Demi's step brother,we didn't talk much,but the times we did he was so nice.I was afraid he wouldn't like me.That we'd think I was intruding in his house,but I was wrong.

Right now,I was in my bed listening to music in my iPod.I was listening to Dark Horse by Katy Perry,I seriously love this song,the beat is awesome.While I listened to the song I was looking at my pictures,my iPod was full of pictures of me and Nick and I just have to delete it.As much as I hate to admit,when I say I don't love him anymore,it's a lie.I do and I just can't help it.He was my first love and I loved him so,so much.I know he screwed up with me,badly,but I just can't bring myself not to think about him.And I so want to slap myself in the face for it.I  shouldn't still think about him.Stupid heart.

That's why I decided to delete all of his pictures.Then,I stopped at one picture,I remember this one,we were at a fair,in a Farris wheel.We were in date.That was first time he said he loved me and I said it back.That night I felt like the happier and luckiest girl on earth.How wrong was I?

I still can't believe it.And I still don't understand.Why do people tell they love you when they don't mean it?

I was about to delete it,but I couldn't.This picture was just so special to me,I had a copy in my night stand back in home.

Talking about home,I haven't heard about my family.I didn't think my dad would call,but I was hoping my mom would call,at least to ask if I was okay.But,she didn't.I sighed and looked through my songs to find one to listen.I decided to listen to You by The Pretty Reckless and started to sing along.

"You don't want me,no

You don't need me

Like I want you,oh

Like I need you.

And I want you on my life,

And I need you in my life."

I love this song,I always wanted to play it on the guitar,but I don't know how to play guitar,so yeah.

"Hey,Sel.Go change we are going out."Demi said as she walked into the room with the girls behind her.Except one girl.

"Where's Vanessa?"I asked.

"Oh,she is with Zac,her boyfriend."I nodded.

"Where are we going?"I asked.

"We are going bowling with the boys."Miley said.

"Okay."I got up and went to the closet.I was already wearing jeans and a white tank top,so I just grabbed my black leather jacket and slipped my purple converse on.I grabbed my phone."I'm ready."

Me and the girls made our way downstairs and I met Ryan.Me and the girls got in Demi's car and the boys in Justin's.Minutes later we were at the bowling place.

I actually love bowling and it's been so long since I did it.

We all entered the place and got the shoes.

"So,we are playing boys x girls again?"Ryan asked.

"I think we should do it another way,you guys always win."Miley said.

"That's because we are awesome."Chaz smirked.

"Oh please,you always win because Justin is a luck bastard that never loses anything.Even in rock,paper,scissors."Miley said.

"Alright,let's pick a team,then."Justin said.

"No,let's play boys x girls."Demi said.

"What?We are going to lose again,Dems."Taylor said.

"It doesn't matter.If we lose,we lose with dignity."

"That doesn't make any sense.Demi,I don't want to lose again."Miley whined the last part.

"Suck it up,Miles."

Okay,they can't be that bed at bowling and I am pretty good at it.I mean,I don't lose,never. *cough cough *

"So,how we're going to play?"Ryan asked.

"Us against you."Demi said.

"You sure?You can be on my team,and win one time in your life."Justin smirked.Woah,he's really sure of himself.But,the way he said didn't look like a cocky idiot.Just someone that know how to play. *cough cough * Like me. *cough cough *

"Shut up,Justin.I still think you cheats.It's not possible for someone to never lose."Miley said annoyed.

"Just be nice,remember Selena is playing with us for the first time,don't freak her out with your goodness in bowling.And go easy on us.You know you will win."Demi said.

"But,Demi,you know I pretty good at bowl-"She put her hand in my mouth to shut me up.

"Shhh.I know,but they don't."She said and winked at me.

"Oh, I got it.Okay."I said when I understood her plan.

"Let's begin."Chaz said.

"Ready to lose,girls?"Justin asked,smirking at us.

"Yes,come on.Who's going to play first?"Miley asked.

"Ladies,first."Chaz said.

"Okay,Sel,you start."Demi said and gave me a 'let's kick their asses' smile.

"I nodded.

"Selena,you sure you can play?You shouldn't be carrying heavy stuff,should you?"Justin asked.And I thought it was really nice of him for.ask.

"It's fine.It's still early."I said.He nodded but still went to get the ball for me.How sweet?

But,I hate to lose.So,no holding back.

Let the games begin.


Hey,guys.I'm sorry for taking to long

to update.And I'm sorry if the chapter is short.But,I hope it's good.

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*Go check out my new story How I Met Them,if you want *

I'll update again tomorrow,or later,here in Brazil it's 1 am.

Thanks for reading. xoxoxo

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