I don't think she knows yet.

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Yes I know. I'm updating fast. Well because I'm going back to school at June. Lol I think we're in the middle to ending this book.

I didn't edit this so I think there is some mistakes. ❤

Lol random title ^^^

~ Bailey POV ~

I woke up failing to fall asleep again. I was distracted from my nap by the brawny arms wrapped around my torso and his visage on my neck.

I tried to wiggle myself out of his embrace or even hit him but he would just grunt and pull me closer.

I know he's half asleep, he doesn't know what he's doing right?. It's not like he wants to hug a nemesis. I'm literally being cradled by my enemy.

I fluttered my eyes open, staring at the ceiling. I never thought I would be this close to Sean. I turned my head to Sean and he was releasing little snores. Why is he so cute?.

I smiled before rolling back and laying on my right side. I was happy and all until I felt something behind my bum. Oh shit.

I widened my eyes to suddenly feel his erection popping out. I swear to god I will strangle him just when he wakes up.

I take deep breathes ignoring the disgusting bump behind me. Are these kind of things common to boys? Is it normal?.

I need a damn manual for this!.

"Sean" , I muttered. I elbow him on the forehead. He groaned loudly, pulling me even closer. Damn it Bailey.

"Sean Lew" , I yelled. I pinched his arm and he opened his eyes widely. He sleepily glares at me before burying his face into my neck.

"What are you doing?" , I mumbled, nervously. He has a girlfriend and I am sure that she doesn't like me, Were talking about my
Ex- Best friend here!.

I felt his florid lips grin on the side of my neck.

"I know I fucking hate you but please just help me out" , He muttered against my neck, causing me to shudder.

I raised my left brow. "Help you with what?" , I muttered back.

He heaved his head from my neck and gaped at me. His eyes darkened as he stared at mine, holy balls.

Sean slowly moves closer to my ear, breathing onto the lobe heavily. I froze when I felt his bottom lip brush against the tip of my ear.

"I need you to screw me" , Sean whispered into my ear. I gagged. What the fuck. I furrowed my brows, glaring at him.

Sean stared at me with a serious look.

"Excuse me?" , I quizzed. I wanted to laugh but that would show my juvenile behavior.
I don't laugh at people who are good with their mouths.

"You need to sleep with me" , He murmured.
I rolled my eyes. Does he really think that this crap will work on me?.

"Be more specific jackass" , I muttered. I knew what he meant but I didn't want to do it.
I didn't know the purpose or the reason.

"Fine, Let's have Sex"

I immediately smacked him across the cheek. He groaned, cupping the stinging sensation on his cheek. He deserved it.

"Fuck! What was that for?" , Sean whined. He got off of me and sat up, glaring at me from above.

I scoffed. "Never say that in front of me" . I sat up and scooted away from him. He's crazy.

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