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Thousands of years ago God made heaven and the devil made hell will guess what im from hell
At less i think i am the only  reason why i think that is cause im half vampire​ and my life be hell  for me ever since i found out i was.

I been moved form city to city state to state all of my life hiding from the humans race.But that was the old me it go to be a new chapter in my life I'm moving to a city called Midtown it town where this no Wi-Fi, no flex screen,the only thing in midtown that there have is iPhones that was the only thing good about the town.
And the town was so old and the house i was living​ in was even old.But  that not even the worst part the school that I was going to was called Blue high it was like i was in hell all over again.

Also  i was living​ with was a couple in your late thirties with a teenage son name Dustin he was 18 also my foster bother he had big hazel eyes with a white T-shirt blue jeans.Dustin was so cute one thing about he is he have a girlfriend​ her name was  Amanda she a cheating ass girl.who was the prom Queen.And i was the girl was sit in the back of room with all black on but.
i also for got my name is izzy im junior in high school it a new life for me.

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