which house

17 2 3

"... Hufflepuff." Says dumbledore. You sigh with relief at the thought of you and Phil growing up as best friends."all of your stuff is up there, I think no one has gone to bed yet, Cedric take miss l/n to your common room please."

A brown haired boy walks in and escorts you to the common room. You get to the fourth floor and a picture of a young lady is there asking for the password.

"Peace lily." Says Cedric. You walk in and see Phil sitting on a yellow sofa, reading a book. You sit down next to him and he looks up and smiles.

"Told you!" He says happily.

Cedric shows you where the dormitories are and you head up there, you say goodnight to Phil and walk into the girls dormitory. You spot all of your things, including your uniform. You get changed I to your pyjamas and get  into bed and fall asleep.

You get up the next morning and get ready. You put your blouse,skirt,tie,socks and shoes on and then brush your y/h/c hair and put your Hufflepuff head band on. You race into the common room where Phil is waiting for you, you wave at him and he waves back, then you make your way downstairs for breakfast.

You and Phil wait outside the great hall for your friends. Zoe, Louise, Chris and pj turn up,but Dan walks past you with his group of friends. His friends consist of Draco Malfoy, Tim hautekiet, Tom ridgewell, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory goyle and  pansy Parkinson. Dan looks you directly in the eyes and you and your friends stand there awkwardly, Draco snaps Dan out of his trance and they all walk into the great hall.

"What freaks they are." Says pj.

"Dan's not that bad though, he was fine on the train!" Phil says staring at his feet and rubbing his arm.

"Phil, the lot of them are bad news. I should've realised this on the train,but the malfoys, hautekiets, ridgewells,Crabbe's, goyles and Howells are deatheaters!" Says Chris.

"What's a deatheater?" Ask you and Phil at the same time.

"Followers of you know who!" Explains pj.

You all glance at eachother, Zoe looks scared, Louise looks awkward, pj looks smug and Chris looks unhappy. Phil's eyes fill with worry.

"What're you all learking around for! get inside!"snaps Snape.

"Sorry sir," you all say at the same time, walking in and heading to your separate tables.

You and Phil sit down next to eachother and share the same looks of worry. You grab a piece of toast and pour a glass of orange​ juice. Phil says some porridge and drinks some apple juice and then you leave for your first lesson, defence against the dark arts with professor quirell and the ravenclaws.

At lunch you and Phil sat two jams sandwiches each and then head outside, you both sit on the grass with the restofyour friends,plus three new people.

"Hi, I'm jack Howard, ravenclaw." Says a boy with glasses.

"Connor Maynard. Gryffindor." Says a boy with brown hair.

"Hermione Granger. Gryffindor." Says a bushy haired girl.

We all introduce ourselves and then get onto the topic of the first day! That's when the Slytherin gang walks up to us.

"Hey l/n Danny boy here has a crush on you!" Yells Draco, you watch as Dan blushes and you can't help but blush aswell.

"No I don't, I don't go out  with Hufflepuffs!" Exclaims Dan.

You look at the floor, hurt by what he said, he is supposed to be your friend! And he treats you like this.

"Well she doesn't want to go out with idiots like you!," Yells Jack.

You look up and jack and he winks cheekily and you start to giggle, making everyone look at you and jack.

"Too bad mate, she's fallen for Howard!" Yells Draco so you can hear him.

"Shut up Malfoy, no I haven't, jack's just a friend!" You snap. They all walk away laughing.

"Just ignore them y/n!" You hear phil say behind you, you feel him place his hand on your back.

"Let's just go to lesson! What have we got?" You ask.

"Potions, with the gryffindors and the Slytherins." Phil says, you sigh, you couldn't put up with those idiots a moment longer.

You all say bye to pj and jack and then you, Phil, Zoe, Louise,Hermione and Connor all walk to potions.
You sit next to Phil and Connor, next to your table is Tim, Draco and Dan and next to them is Louise,Hermione and Zoe. Snape starts picking on Harry potter and you notice that Hermione is putting her hand up for every question he asks Harry, removing 10 points from Gryffindor.

You collect your things and head over to Harry after the lesson. He looks angry and is talking to a red headed boy.

"Hi Harry, I'm y/n, this is Phil. We're wondering if you're ok?" You ask.

"Oh I'm fine, thanks, this is Ron." Harry says pointing to his friend who waves back.

"Well you're welcome to hang out with us at dinner, our friends always meet up outside the great hall before breakfast and dinner and then we go outside together at lunch, depending on the weather, if not we probably would go to the library." You explain.

"Yeah, I'm sure we would like that." He says, Ron nodding behind him.

"Ok see you at dinner, we have double transfiguration to get to." You say, both you and Phil saying good bye to Harry and Ron.

You and Phil join up with jack and pj and enter transfiguration together.

After dinner you head back to the common room with Phil, Harry and ron had met you outside the great hall for dinner. You decided to write to your parents and brothers.

Dear mum and dad,
Hogwarts is better than I imagined. I have made so many friends so far. I met some of them on the train ​here yesterday. There names are Zoe,Phil, Louise, Hermione,Jack,Harry,Ron,pj,Chris and Dan. Sadly most of us are in different houses,but meet up before breakfast and dinner and during lunch and we have some classes together. Other bad news, Dan's a Slytherin and a Howell, making him a deatheater so I friendship only lasted two Hours. He came up to me today with his friends, who's parents​ are also deatheaters, Draco malfoy said that dan had a crush on me, but Dan said he wouldn't go out with a Hufflepuff (oh yeah I'm a Hufflepuff) it's a good thing I have good friends,but my best friends are Jack and Phil, I feel like I can tell them anything.

I have to go now, love and miss you
Your daughter

Dear Evan and Ethan
You will love it at Hogwarts when you come, just don't be like me. I was undecided until they put me in Hufflepuff. Ethan, your perfect house would be ravenclaw and Evan yours would be Gryffindor.

This is a paragraph for Ethan, you will love the library and all of the classes, I can see you making friends with my friends pj ligouri and jack Howard. Oh yeah my friends Zoe and Connor both have siblings your age, so make friends with them when you come here, I think I there names are Joe Sugg and jack Maynard. Ps you are still my favourite.

This is a paragraph for Evan, you will love my friends Harry and Ron. You will also love Ron's older brothers Fred and George. You will be perfect for Gryffindor and you will love the gameskeeper called hagrid. Remember, don't go in my room!

I have a gift for each of you, Ethan yours is a bookmark from the library and a chocolate frog, Evan yours is Bertie Botts every flavour beans and a chocolate frog. See you both at Christmas.

Love and miss you
Your big sister

You give poppy your letters and gifts and she flies out of the window. You say goodnight to Phil and head to your dormitory. You change into your pyjamas and go to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2017 ⏰

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