Chapter 17

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of a knock on my door. I laid in bed for a while before sitting up. I didn't even remember falling asleep. I rubbed my eyes and slowly got out of bed, my book falling onto the floor. I guess I had fallen asleep reading. The knock sounded again and I went over to open the door.

It revealed Miss Allione who wore a smile. Everyone around here seemed to smile a lot, as if drugged up on some of that feel good shit.

"Morning. I figured you'd need a hand waking up," she spoke pleasantly, her wrinkles upturned.

"Thank you," I gave her a sheepish smile, standing there awkwardly.

She looked me over quickly before meeting my eyes again,"Well, go get ready for the day and you can go have breakfast then meet me in my office."

I nod, fearing my voice would crack from feeling so uncomfortable.

"Very well then," she turned to leave and I was ever so grateful for the end of the conversation. I began closing my door but then she turned quickly to look at me again,"Oh and Nicole," I freeze in my actions, "Remember time is of stellar importance." She held her index finger up as she spoke.

She gave me no time to react but instead spun on her very expensive looking black heels and walked away.

I exhaled and pinched the bridge of my nose as I closed my door.


After I had taken a shower (might I add that the bathroom did live up to Alex's praise. It was nicer than any bathroom I'd ever seen in a hotel) and gotten ready for the day, I headed out into the sitting area to head down for breakfast. It was 9:05 according to the wall clock in the area.

I didn't expect to see two females sitting and talking. I wanted nothing more in that moment to revert to my quarters but the grumble in the pit of belly said otherwise.

I tried to close my door as quietly as possible so as to avoid attracting any attention from them, one of whom had a blonde buzzcut from what I could see and the other a mess of black curls atop her head. However, with my luck, the door creaked and their chatter immediately stopped as they turned to look in my direction.

My face turned slightly red and I stood there quite awkwardly. The one with the blonde hair smiled, her face belonging to that of a 20 something year old, blue eyes popping out from her smooth lids which were located perfectly beneath her unkept eyebrows. Her pink, plump lips were moving...saying something but I all I could focus on was her cigarette stained teeth and the birthmark on her neck.

The curly haired woman seemed to be nothing short of unimpressed with me. Her face remained neutral the entire time. Her dark brown eyes were hard yet glossed over, as if she had been in a constant state of conflict. Her face was the opposite of the blonde's, pale and lifeless. Her eyebrows were perfectly shaped (which I didn't understand considering we couldn't have anything sharp enough to shave in this place) but her lids were fighting to stay open and the bags under her eyes seemed to carry all her burdens. Her lips were thin and almost blue...maybe she had asthma? I pondered. Though she seemed to wish I'd just go about my business so she and her friend...friend?...could get back to talking, I really respected her. She was the first person not to wear an annoying smile. She was the first person to look like she was actually feeling in the two days I'd been here and that was very refreshing.

"Hello?" It was the sound of an Australian accent that pulled me from my thoughts.
When I finally steadied myself I realized that it was the blonde speaking to me. She had stood now and was waving her hand trying to get my attention.

"Uh, hi," I muttered out, fidgeting with my hands.

"Aww, Sam isn't she the cutest?" she giggled and turned slightly to look at the black haired woman.

She simply shrugged and looked down at her lap.

"Oh, don't mind Sam. She's just in a bit of a mood right now. I'm Lennie and you must be the new girl, Nicole," she waved Sam off and turned back to me, reaching out her right arm for me to shake her hand.

I took it awkwardly and shook it. I really hoped my palms weren't sweaty.

She retrieved her hand, still bubbly as ever.

"So how do you like it here?" her Australian accent thick.

"It's pretty okay," I say, wrapping my arms around my body.

"So, what you really mean is that-" she was about to ask a follow up question when Sam cut her off.

"Gee Lennie if you don't stop grilling her we'll miss all the good stuff at breakfast," the darting  woman stood now and for the first time I took in her clothes. She wore a burgundy button up top with dark ripped jeans and white sneakers. She was noticeably taller than both myself and Lennie. It made me wonder how old she was was...maybe mid-late twenties?...I couldn't tell as easily as I did with Lennie.

"Fine," Lennie surrendered.

She grabbed my arm and pulled me over to where Sam was standing, "We'll all go together."

Sam rolled her eyes and walked toward the door.

The more standoffish she was to me was the more intriguing she became.


Breakfast was even more awkward. I ate in silence as Lennie babbled on about all the fun we'd have and how welcome she'd ensure I feel. I occasionally nodded and smiled while Sam occasionally snickered sarcastically and sighed.  I was happy we ate together, not only did it beat feeling like a social outcast but I also got to learn a lot about Burkley and how things really went here. I also began to understand that Lennie and Sam were a a thing thing. This was concretized when Lennie leaned over to kiss Sam on the lips after they had gotten into a mini debate over something I couldn't remember. I just know Lennie had won.

After we ate we all headed back to our wing where I had my very first and very last personal morning appointment with the Doctor.

Hey guys,

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