Chapter One - Fire

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Darkness. Pure darkness as dark as the deep depths of the sea. Then a bright amber light fills my room. Panic sweeps over me as footsteps run outside my window. They aren’t just any footsteps, they are really heavy footsteps – definitely not human. I quickly sit up just to be pulled down again. I am bound down to the bed by an unknown force. A scream emits from my mouth and then I wake up.

       Sweat brinks from the top of my forehead, I must’ve been sweating from my dream of the fire. My tired eyes robotically scan over my small green bedroom before I pull the light sheets off of my exhausted body. A yawn escapes the barrier of my lips as I pull myself off the comfortable bed. Swiftly moving across the hard wooden floor to my bathroom, as graceful as a swan taking off. I glance at my long brown, messy locks of hair as I stop at the mirror, quickly brushing it to get the matted knots out. Then my look shifts, my eyes turn blue with hints of gold. Visions start to appear in the mirror. Visions. Visions of me locked up in a cell, a young man grinning at me from the other side. I push the thoughts away, they are just illusions. I look closer at the man. The long blonde hair that covers his deep blue eyes is all I can see before the vision goes away and I crash to the ground in pain. Hands over my head. Why do I keep getting these? I think to myself. I have been getting these apparitions ever since my fourteenth birthday and I am now sixteen. At first they were small and about unimportant things and they didn’t hurt when I got them, now they hurt, becoming worse every time. I quickly braid my hair and slip on a light green tank top and shorts. Then I head out of my bedroom and run down the stairs, grabbing a bite to eat before I leave for the first day at my new school. My parents said it would be easy, but moving to a new school is never easy, especially with the weird vision thing going on. I grab my keys as I walk out the door and hop into my sky blue Jeep Wrangler. I should’ve just walked, I think as I park in the crowded school lot. When I get out I notice a few students looking at me in shock. “What?” I ask in an annoyed tone.

       “Y-you’re parked in Ivory’s spot.” one student responds.

       “And you think I care?” I smirk before walking off to the school’s big blue double doors. This should be good. I think in sarcasm as I look around the sea of swarming students. Looking down at my schedule, I head to the east wing of the huge high school. I search for locker number B153. Then I find it, hiding behind a group of jersey jocks – football players. “Umm excuse me. Can I please get to my locker?” I ask in a confident voice. I stare wide-eyed as a boy turns. His long blonde hair hiding his deep blue eyes – the young man from my vision! I stagger back a bit but not enough for the group to notice.

       “Sure,” he says in a calm, heart melting voice.

       “Thanks,” I watch as he steps away from the locker and flashes me a wink.

       “Bye Soren. See you in Chem,” one of the boys says as the group of teens walk off to class with their stuff. Soren, strange name for a strange guy. I grin as I use the combination lock to open up my locker. Stuck. The stupid locker is stuck. I let out a sigh of anger as I try again but fail. Then I feel a hand on mine. Visions come back to mind. Darkness again, just like my dream. A face of the boy, Soren. Then the vision goes away and pain streaks through my head. When I open my eyes again the young man is waving his hands in front of my face.

       “Hello? Are you alive?” Soren asks as he keeps waving his hand in front of my face. I break out of the trance and nod.

       “Sorry, that happens a lot.” My face turns hot with embarrassment. I glance back at my locker to find it is open. When I look up to thank him, he is gone. A puzzled expression takes over my features as I put the books I don’t need into the locker. I sigh and walk off to my first class.

       I glance around the full classroom, no seats for me. Well this is nice. I look around again and find an empty seat. A smile reaches my expression until I look up and find that the seat is next to...Soren’s. I sigh angrily and walk to the seat. Once I sit down I feel a chill run down my spine, something is different with him. Death. I can sense death. When I look up at him, he is staring at me. “Can I help you...?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

       “Nope. Just trying to see if you are someone worth talking to.” Soren replies as he looks back up at the teacher.

       “Well that’s a very kind way to put it,” I retort back to him. “I’m Marley, if you wanted to know,” I add before glancing up at the teacher.

       “Ms. Andrews, will you please introduce yourself? Tell us your name and something interesting about yourself,” Mr. Lance says in a low deep voice.

       “Okay,” I reply before standing up and facing towards the class. “I am Marley Andrews, and there is really nothing interesting about me,” I say before quickly sitting back down and facing towards Mr. Lance.

       “Really? Nothing interesting?” Soren laughed slightly.

       “Like you know anything about me,” I roll my eyes and listen to the teacher’s words.

Time passes by quickly as I listen to the teacher and soon the class is over. I grab my things and head out of the class. A hand is placed on my shoulder and I turn to see Soren and his jock friends.

“We were wondering if you wanted to go to the Grill tonight? There is a huge party going on.” he says.

“Sure. I guess it would be fun,” I reply with a smile. I walk off to my next class.

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