Chapter 9

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Sherlock's P.O.V.

"MYCROFT IT'S AN EMERGENCY!" Sherlock yelled at his brother from the couch.

"I'm not getting your phone for you again." Mycroft called back from the kitchen, where he was making tea.

"My phone isn't a part of this emergency though!" Sherlock pouted. "Just come here!"

"Say please." Sherlock could practically hear the smirk on his brother's face.

"I think I'm being unfaithful to my husband." Sherlock sighed.

"Husband?" Mycroft asked, extremely

"My work Mycroft, my work!" He shouted, shaking his hands in frustration.

"What is that even supposed to mean?" The older brother groaned in annoyance.

"I consider myself married to my work and yet work is the last thing on my mind. I feel a bit sick, maybe I just need to go to the hospital..." Sherlock explained as he puzzled for reasons to why such feelings would be occurring.
Maybe I'm developing a tumor? Or maybe I need to eat some more, lack of food perhaps? No, not that. Probably a tumor but-

"Sherlock! Did you hear anything I just said?" Mycroft glared at his little brother.

"Not a word." Sherlock said.

"I said, in short, that you have grown overly sentimental about a certain someone."

Sherlock gave his brother a puzzled look.

"Whose name happens to be Doctor John Hamish Watson, you idiot." Mycroft chuckled lightly, taking a sip of his overly sweetened tea.

"Well yes he's my best friend but that seems irrelevant."

Mycroft put his hands on his face, then looked his brother in the eye and said in a dead serious tone, "You have romantic gay feelings for John, do I need to make myself any clearer?"

Sherlock looked back at his brother with a sad look. "So I am being unfaithful to my work."

"Change the subject, now." Mycroft said and carried his empty tea cup back to the kitchen, and Sherlock watched the door slowly close, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

John's P.O.V.

John stretched out his back and ran his rough fingers through his sandy blond hair. Tonight is the night I start to put my life back together, John thought as he got dressed for his date. He pulled on his grey button down dress shirt and dark blue jeans nervously.

Come on John, you've gone on plenty of dates before, what's so different about this one? Just be nice, and don't think of Sherlock. You can do this. He put on his coat and checked himself in the mirror, then decided to put a little product in his hair to keep it manageable.

After grabbing his cane and umbrella, John hailed a taxi. "The Durnabay." He said as he smoothly transitioned into the cab. You can't turn back now John.

"Fancy place, you going on a date?" The cabbie asked, attempting to start a light conversation.

"Uh yes, actually, I am." John said nervously.

"How long have you known the lucky guy?" She looked at John through the mirror.

"It's not a- she's a- I'm not- Why does everyone still think I'm gay?!" John groaned, remembering a few years ago when everyone thought he and Sherlock were a couple. Stop thinking of Sherlock, John! Dammit!

"Oh, my mistake. How long have you known the lucky girl?" The cabbie chuckled.

"2 years, I think. More or less." John smiled.

"And it took you this long?"

"Well, Jennifer was in a relationship until a few months ago." John sighed. He wasn't even that interested in Jennifer, but she was his best chance at forgetting Sherlock.

They pulled up in front of the building and John got out of the cab, grabbing his umbrella and cane.

"Interesting. Well, off you go, John Watson." The cabbie finally looked at John, but with a cruel look in her eyes.

"Wait, Sarah?" John called as the woman drove off into the crowded streets.

This cannot lead to anything good. Something bad is about to happen, I just know it. John dialed Jen's number in on his phone and tapped his foot as he waited for her to answer.

"Hi John! I'll be leaving in just a moment, I have to run and grab a thing or two first." She said with her bubbly voice.

"Actually Jen, I'm going to have to move this dinner. Sarah is up to something, and I think someone is going to get hurt."

"I understand. But please, don't let that someone be you."

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