sunny, rainy day.

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(read story description before reading below)
-sorry if theres grammar errors,  this is just for fun but enjoy!-

"Jungkook was not only my best friend, but an international celebrity to the whole world. Everywhere we go, people would recognize him and go insane. He didn't walk away or try not to interact. He was friendly to everyone, even his non-fans. We sometimes couldn't even walk together because he was the only person they saw. I'm surprised no one thought we were together. He was a living meme, loyal, and important since 2002, preschool. He was adorably cringy, maybe because he was extremely shy, but if you got to know him, he's outgoing-" I stopped. I looked to my right and looked at where his coffin should have been. Tearing up, I continued. "J-Jungkook wa-was... just the perfect person to either party until 4 am on a school night, or have a cup of coffee with. " There were tears on my letter. Smiling through the pain was even more painful and dreadul. "To Jungkook's family and friends, I'm deeply s-sorry and wish you be-best if luck in the f-future." I stopped and returned to my seat. I just wish he wasn't dead. Jungkook, where are you?

After the funeral, everyone was eating.

"Hyun Eun ah, come and eat. You haven't ate fully this entire week." my mom asked solumnly.

"No thanks, I'm good." I answered, trying to sound decent. She gave me a sad smile and I walked to where nobody was. Luckily, there was a tall tree, so I sat down and took out my phone.

Password. My fingers couldn't stop shaking,

Wrong Passcode. Retry.

Unlocked. Swipe.

Photo Album. 2011- 2017.

First photo.

It was a picture of Jungkook and I, at a friend's party. Jungkook was too shy to go at first, then ended up being the best dancer in the party. He and I were wearing tacky, neon sunglasses with glowsticks as necklaces. His hair was messed up and my hair was in a messy ponytail. Remembering every detail and every word he said, I smiled and shed a tear after tear. Swipe.

Next picture was a behind the scenes of Jungkook when he was shooting his first music video in 2013 with Ho-Seok hyung and Jimin hyung. His hair was black, but red and brown in the sun. He was in his school uniform with a basketball. I remember when he got super upset because he missed every shot so Ho-seok and Jimin hyungs had to help him. Only if you saw how happy little kookie was. Next picture.

Jungkook with Taehyung eating a burger from Burger King (Sponsored.) Next picture.

Jungkook with his Iron Man action figures. I closed my eyes and the warm tear on my chin was the last thing I felt.


I woke up in the car, my dad driving, mom looking out the window, and Jae Sung, my brother sleeping with a wet face. He was crying also. The car has never been so quiet. Jae Sung was usually the one telling stories and jokes, but these days, you can hear a pin drop from a mile away and it would still be loud. Uncontrollably, tears began once again. It was once sadness, then anger. Now, confused and curious. My mind was bursting with questions. Why hadn't found his body yet? Why was there no evidence? If there was no evidence, why are new reporters considering him dead? Why does the world think that he's dead? Am i the only one who thinks he's not dead? I didn't know what to think or what to ask. I plugged my earbuds and listened to the song he sang for me.

Password. Unlocked.

Music. Play.

"Paper Hearts."


When I woke up again, I was in my room. Earbuds still in my ear. I sat up straight and looked out the window. 4:37pm, Saturday 5/13/2017. The sunrays were piercing through the window pane and gave off a warm sting. Why does the sun have to shine on the rainy days?

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