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On the eve of Marinette's birthday, she had decided to have a slumber party with several of her friends. They have been planning this slumber party since the beginning of that month. The people that have been planning for the extravagant event , of course, included Alya, Rose, Alix, Juleka , and Mylène. (basically every girl in Marinette's  class beside Chloe and Sabrina) They all gathered in Marinette's room and sat on and around her bed. They noticed her room was quite unique, as they have not offend seen two trap doors in a girl's bedroom instead of doors. They also noticed the vibrant style of the room. The young fashion designer had left out some of her fabric and pins from her previous projects that she had failed to pick up before the company had arrived. They also saw all the pictures of Adrien on her wall and on other various items such as picture frames and computer wall screens . They thought that was hilarious so one of them brought it up in the conversation they were having.

"So Mari, how long have you had those pictures of Adrien up on your wall? " Juleka asked with a smirk. She was the first one too say something. She, and the rest of the group that was gathered in Marinette's room, had known that Marinette absolutely adored him. It had become obvious to them after the months they had shared in the classroom. Anyone who did not know must have been blind because of the way Marinette acted around Adrien. Everyone always heard her stuttering, so Alya didn't even have to tell anyone that "private" information.

Marinette's flushed with a bright pink. She didn't mind her friends seeing, or knowing, that she had a crush on Adrien. She had also thought it was pretty obvious at this point too. The only person she would take the various pictures down for is Adrien. If Adrien were to see what Marinette had done to her room, Marinette would have died of embarrassment. sure the pictures were kind of creepy, it was noting compared to the pullout paper stating in detail Adrien's schedule. now that, would have killed Marinette.

"If you think that's creepy, you should check out this pull out Mari made about his schedule" Alya teased while she pulled the long, filled out paper down from the lower half of the ceiling. Her classmates giggled at Marinette's insanity for a bit but Marinette just blushed harder. Marinette couldn't bare the thought of any of this information getting out into the school, but it was fine because al the people that know about her craze was the friends she could trust.

"Yeah whatever" Marinette said shyly about the subject. She didn't plan for this, but she didn't rally care. She wanted to avoid the conversation now because the feeling in the room had grown too unfathomable. She glanced at her phone for a second to look at the time. 10 minutes until my official birthday she thought. She then realized that her friends still wanted to talk about Marinette and Adrien. They had made the ship "Adrinette" while Marinette was spaced out.

"Oh come on Marinette you two would make a perfect couple! So cute! You should talk to him! You know, ask him out or something! " Rose pirked . Of course she would. Rose was all about the romance. Every time Rose spoke was out of the purity of her heart.  "Come on Marinette! You should do it! What's the harm in putting some of your abundant confidence into asking to going out with Mr. Agreste?" Rose continued.

"What confidence?" Marinette sighed. All Marinette thought of herself  was that she struggles with self-confidence and self-esteem. In a situation she deems important, like doing something for Adrien or losing something that will expose her secret identity, she becomes very nervous and awkward, failing to keep calm and being quick to panic.

"Girl, you always stand up to Chloe in class! What happened to that girl, huh? Or what about that girl who was voted for class rep?" Alya tried reasoning with Marinette, even though she knew her words could not control Marinette's actions around Adrien.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2017 ⏰

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