I take one last look around my now empty blank bedroom. Everything now packed in boxes on its way to my new house in San Francisco. I'm gonna miss my home in North Carolina.

I grew up her with my whole family. My ant Ruth, my cousins Kyle and Ruby and my grandparents. This has been my home for 16 years. Now we're all leaving it just because of my dad's work.

I'm going to miss my best friends Michael and luke. And how I had a huge forest in my backyard to play in. How me Michael and luke would lay in the grass by the river and talk. Sometimes we didn't even have to talk just that we knew each other was there was enough for us. Michael would always pick on my and call me small one. I acted like I hated it but I really love it. Luke was like my brother even though I had one. We always we're at each other's houses playing and being stupid.

Now I have to pack it all up and leave. I don't hate my dad for it just wish I didn't have to go. Start at a new school with new people almost start a new life. And to make it worse it's the city. That means no forest no river no tall grass to lay in and no friends to talk to. It's just me and my family. And I my pets to salt and water my rats and lulu my cat.

But I haven't even seen the house yet. Mom and dad say it's big with 2 floors and a basement. I don't care how big as long as I got space for my bass and stuff to go with it. I just don't want my life to change to much.

I mean what if the people at school hates me. Jude said he'd kill them but I know he would never. He's even to scared to kill a bee. Me and him both could get killed the first day. And that would be it. No more Jude and Jasey Rae.

I'm just scared of change.

But here I am looking at my old room never even to come back to it. And it's time to leave to get on a plane and fly to San Francisco. At which is awaiting my new home with my new room. For me to change to fit me and become my safe place.

"Jasey Rae! It's time to say bye and leave to get to are flight in time! Come on!" Mom yells. Taking one last glance at my room as walk down to say goodbye to my family. Everyone's down there.

I first hug ant Ruth she treats me like her own daughter. I also treat Ruby like my sister so it works. "I'm gonna miss you girly." She speaks softly. I'll also miss her calling me girly. "Same here. Promise you want forget me?" I ask knowing she won't but I need to know. She nods her head whispering a yes pushing me to say bye to Kyle.

"So loser you think you can get rid of me?" Kyle asks. As log as I can remember he has always called me a loser. "Oh I know I can. This will be the last time you ever see this face." I say back with a lot of sass. I walk over to him with my arms out saying "But for real I will miss you." He engulfed me in a hug. "You beter." I glare at him and walk over to Ruby.

She's just 7 so I get on my knees "Hey sis you gonna miss me? Cause I'll miss you a whole lot." I say as soft as I can. She smiles so big nodding her head. I hug her sawing one more goodbye.

I stand up to look at Michael and Andy. There coming with us to the airport but I still run over to them. I jump up and wrap my arms and legs around them. Well I tried to but them side by side I'm just to small. Michael looked down at me and spoke "see you are a small one." He laughed so did I. While I'm mid laugh I glance at Andy to see him almost in tears.

"Rea, boys it's time to come on. You can talk in the car." Dad said. "Ok. Let's go." I said. I put my arms around Andys and Michaels shoulders and we walked out off the house.

Once I got to the door I said one final bye to everyone. And I knew my life was going to change. Knowing that scared me.


OK first chapter done. And hopefully the rest don't suck.

Song:Green day;Brevard of broken dreams


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2018 ⏰

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