Chapter 1

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Tick... tick... tick... I checked my watch impassively. 2:35. Where the hell was he. He should have been here by now. As I was contemplating this I got a call from him; more specifically a call from Nick. As I was grabbing my scroll the lights started flicking then I noticed my scroll went dead what the hell I thought

I looked out the window and I saw huge Grimm looked like some kind of Beowulf, however, having seen this unique type before I knew this had to be Derek. He was laid in the street being electrocuted by someone in a black track jacket.

Behind Derek following at a safe distance, I saw a short redhead girl, behind her a blondie with a nice pair of ballistics (that didn't make her look top heavy at all) And following her... A mysterious dark-haired girl who carried a unique weapon, one I've only heard about the infamous Gambol Shroud. And bringing up the rear the only girl I actually knew, the ice queen her self Weiss Schnee or as I usually refer to her as the "Ice hoe".

Seconds later Derek gets up with surprising speed for his size and swats at the guy in the track jacket sending him flying straight at the cafe. More specifically straight at me. I quickly press a button on my watch.

swats at him sending him flying straight at the cafe. More specifically straight at me.

As I'm watching him fly towards me I think to myself.

Can this day get any more shitty

I quickly press a button on my watch. And said "Shit! Yes, it can" to no one in particular. At that moment I activate my semblance that is enhanced by my watch stopping time for the entire block.


A waiter nearby was holding a freshly brewed drink.

"Hey, don't mind if I do," I said while leaving a 10 in her bra, she'll thank me later I thought. Well looks like we're going to be here for awhile until I figure a way out of this predicament.

For some reason storytelling always me think.

So that's what I plan to do.

I said aloud to the waitress "Hey the names Tim, you're probably wondering how I got here huh? Well, let me tell you."

1 year earlier

It started off as a pretty normal night I was going to visit Octavia my girlfriend who lived in one of the remaining villages on the outskirts of Vale. It was late so normally I wouldn't go on such a journey but, she texted me on my scroll that her parents weren't home so of course I dropped what I was doing immediately, went to a store to get a few necessary "items" and set off for her house. Well, that was the plan, first I had to sneak out of my dorm.

I was a first-year beacon student at this point and if the girls knew what I was leaving to do they would not approve.

Eventually, I was out of Beacon then out of vale and set off to the familiar path of Octavia's house.

It was about 11:20 pm when I began to approach the village and noticed that there was a sort of glow coming from the village like it was alive or... It was on fire! I broke into a mad sprint to where Octavia lives. The house wasn't on fire, I was relieved but still, on edge, the house looked normal but the door was slightly ajar which was enough to make me press the second button on my watch that transformed it too sword that extends 3 feet from my arm and covers my arm up to my watch. I go towards the door leading the way with Divide Intervention (my sword), and open it slowly and go inside. The house was immaculate, as usual, went through the living room and into the room that led to Octavia's. The door was closed. I pressed my ear to the door but didn't hear anything. So I opened the door... And was sickened to my stomach by what I saw.

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