misguided ghosts

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Have you ever felt like you needed space? That you just want to run away and forget your troubels? Well at this moment in time that what I'm doing 'running'. People say that you never learn and that you are a coward if you run. But if no one notices your presents then how can they notice your gone?

My family( which is only my mum, brother and my older sister) never notice me and never hear at what I have to say.It feels as throgh I'm just a  ghost that live's in a three bedroomed house with three strangers. I normally see my dad at weekends but that was untill he moved to paris with his new family forgetting about the one he alredy has.

I only have one best-friend that knows how I feel about my family and that dosen't just see me as an  Insignificant humanbeing.Her name is Alice.She's into the same music genres as me, which is rock/metal. we have been friends since we have been in nursery and have been ever since.

Looking at the clock I notice that I am ment to be meeting Alice in thirty minutes and still haven't got the rest of my cloths pack. In a quick haze I grab all of my different band tops and differnt range of coloured skinnys and my best two pairs of convers and stuff then in to a black and white checked ruck sack.Looking around my room to see if I have missed anything, my eyes land on my batterd,old guitar case. I whish I could take it with me but one-it's to havey to carry and two- I don't even know where I'm going.Pulling me out of my throught I feel my phone buzz in my jean pocket telling my I've got an incoming call.Without looking at the caller ID I answer it.

"Hello?" I ask questionaly "Are you done packing yet or what we are like ment to be going in 15 minuets!" yells a voice  down the phone to me. "Carm down Alix I'm just about done " I say "Okay, well I'll meet you outside your house in five" "okay, bye " I say before alice puts the phone down on me.Going to my bedroom door I grab my ipod off the bedside table, that is one thing I can not live without. music. Music is my passtion and my life.

My name is Darcy chelsea smith and this is a start to my new life.

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