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You'll be the reason, I'll be uneven
You've got me on the edge to jump for you
You'll be my fire,
Call me a liar
We'll make mistakes the way we always do ~ Priceless by Mayday parade.

* The next morning *

Marley's POV

I groan as i hear my phone ring under the pillow, I grab the phone and answer it. " What?!" I harshly answer into the phone. " Well someone still isn't a morning person, just like she used to be." The man on the phone answers. " Who the hell is this? And how did you get my number? And why the fucking hell are you phoning me at 10 in the morning?!" i whisper scream as i get out of bed and go to the balcony. I slide the window open and stand on the balcony with the phone in my hand. " Marley I can't believe you can't remember me." He speaks into the phone. " You aren't answering my question." i speak harshly again. " Marley it's Jordan your best friend remember?" He explains into the phone. I gasp and cover my mouth, I then put the phone back to my ear. "Jordan?" I whisper into the phone. " Yeah Marls it's me." Jordan says. " Where the fuck did you go? You left me when i most needed you?!" I screamed into the phone. " Marls come round i'll explain everything that happened here please. I'm at Jason's." He begged over the phone. I sigh and say " I'll come round. But just be aware you're going to get the shit beaten out of you when I see you." I say sternly. I hear his chuckle and laugh at what I just said." I'll see you later Marls." Jordan said and hung up.

I walked back in to the room to see Harry's messy curls spread across his face. I hear his soft snores slip out of his mouth as I go to the bathroom to change out of his clothes. I come out his bathroom wearing my clothes from last night. I fold his clothes and put them on his chair. I grab my bag and chuck my jumper on and kiss his cheek and whisper 'Thank you". I grab some paper and write a note saying that something popped up. I walked downstairs and unlock the door, I shut the door softly. I start walking down the path and slip my earphones in and start paying some Nirvana. I couldn't stop thinking how bad I felt about leaving Harry asleep.

Harry's POV

I woke up and swing my arms round to feel nothing there. I sit up and rub my eyes to look down to see a empty bed. I climbed out of bed and look down at my chair was clothes and a note, I picked up the note and it read ' To Harry, I'm sorry I left something came up. Here's your clothes back thank you for letting me stay the night and we'll have our date another time. I'll tell you one day what's wrong with me, but for now Thanks. Marley xx'

I placed the note back down and ran my finger through my hair in aggrivation. I picked the clothes up and threw them into the washing basket while grabbing a towel. After a couple of minutes of pondering where Marley went I decided to go for a shower. I went in to the shower and turned the water on, as I stepped into the shower I moaned with relief as the water hit my body. Once I was done with my shower I dried off and picked my phone up to check for any messages; Only one from Louis asking is I wanted to go to Starbucks for coffee today. I phoned him and agreed to meet up with him at one.

I got changed into my regular black jeans and white top with my white converse. As I checked the time it said it was 12:30 and thought that I should get going but couldn't help wonder where Marley went. I blew it off and locked the apartment door and started to walk to Starbucks where I was going to meet Louis. But as I started walking to Starbucks I kept trying to contact her but nothing worked.

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