Part 2

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Blake woke up in the middle of the night
With no Gwen in bed, so he got up and went to. Check the bathroom when he got in there he couldn't believe what he say Gwen was laying down on the bathroom floor covered in blood
He reached for her
"Gwen wake up"
No response he reached for his phone and called 911
"911 what's your emergency"
"Hi um yes my wife she's.. she's on the floor covered in blood"
"Okay calm down sir we will get a dispatcher there as soon as we can,is she pregnant or any illnesses?"
"Um yes..(crying through sobs) she's..she's pregnant"
He waited for them to get here when they got there they rushed her too the hospital
The doctor has came in ...
"Hello Mr,Shelton?"
"Yes,yes is she okay? Is the baby okay?"
"Sir she is in coma,she lost a lot of blood and she lost the baby, due to her injuries she may have lost her memories" " can I see her?" "Yes right this way"
They walked into the room where she was laying looking so weak he sat down beside her
Blake took her hand and just sat there hoping she'd wake up "Gwen wake up Please, I need u, please don't die" Blake laid there the hole night

Next morning her parents walked in as Blake was laying down right beside her in the chair holding her hand, "Blake honey wake up we are here u need to go home and take care of the boys" "okay but what is she wakes up?" " I'll call u baby boy go be with the boys"  Blake walks out of he hospital and too Gavin's to get the boys,after he takes them home and gets them to all take a nap..
Back at the hospital
While Patti and Dennis were sitting by her bedside,Patti was holding Gwen's hand,she felt something squeeze her hand she looked up and saw Gwen's eyes slowly open "Bl..Bla..Blake?"
"Hi sweet heart it's mom Blake is at home with the boys do u want him here?" Gwen nods her head "Dennis can u call Blake?" Dennis steps outside "Hey son, she's awake and asking for you" "wait what she is?" "Yeah bring the boys and we will take them home so u can stay with Gwen" " yes sir" Blake drives to the hospital as fast as he could trying to get their to see her brown eyes again and that smile. He pulls into the hospital, him and the boys jump out of the car leaving the keys in the car they run into the hospital to get to her bedside when he slowly opens the door and the boys go jump on her bed she slowly turns to Blake "hi baby girl" "hey cowboy I missed u and I'm so sorry that I lost the baby" she's crying at this point and doesn't want to look him in the eyes "hey it's okay I'm just glad your alive" " Blake u look like hell" "I've been crying the last few hours" " I'm sorry" " hey it's okay I'm just glad u didn't loose your memory of me" " like I could ever"
                          TO BE CONTINUED

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 16, 2017 ⏰

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