well then...

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Kyle and Johnnie show me to my room, even though they live in an apartment, I’ve got to say this place is fairly large. I sit on my already made bed with a nice comforter, looking at them in shock, I had to ask them. Did you guys just go out and buy this for me? Giving them a concerned look, they looked away knowing that I would go ballistic over this. Instead of lecturing them I went up to them and have them each an individual hug and said thank you. They blinked their eyes up at me in complete confusion like I was a completely different person when they heard me say that.

I held in a small laugh Johnnie was playing with his and running around screaming, “DON”T BITE MEEEE!” soon Kyle joined in on the laughter after recording a video in his room. I didn’t know that the two of them were YouTuber’s until last night when I was watching a few videos.

I went up to Kyle and smirked…sooooooo you’re a YouTuber, he looked at my shocked and asked me how I knew. Well you see…I’m always on it 24/7 so I was bound to find out you were sooner or later. I brought out my phone and showed him the video I last watched which was him penny boarding and hanging out on the rail roads.

I hopped onto Johnnie’s back luckily I was light enough or I would of probably broke poor Johnnie, “WTF BLUE! I could have dropped you and you scarred the shit out of me!” I laughed hard almost letting go of Johnnie and falling, you mean I could have made you fall. Kyle peaked from the corner, I could see it in the corner of my eye.

(Johnnie’s pov)

I saw Kyle in the corner of my eye’s he looked a bit upset, I think it’s because he thinks I’m hogging Blue. Blue looked at me and smiled, but I could tell it was fake, she knew something was wrong with Kyle, and it was bugging her. I whispered in her ear a few things.

(Blue’s pov)

Johnnie whispers to me, “I’m going to put you down quickly and I want you to walk down near Kyle room and we can surprise him.” I smirked and told Johnnie my idea.

(Kyle’s pov)

Johnnie put Blue down, I felt a small ache in my heart when she hopped onto Johnnie, but when Johnnie put her down I felt a flood of relief wash over me and I could finally breathe. I let out a breath I didn’t know that I was holding, not know what made me so upset I walked into my room and began to edit my YouTube video.

I heard a knock on the door, it was constant, I called out to Blue and Johnnie but none of them responded. I got back up and answered the door no one was there. I dismissed it and headed backing into my room.

(Blue’s pov)

While Johnnie knocked on the door and got Kyle out of the room. I hid inside the closet so I can surprise him, I slowly opened the door making sure it doesn’t creek. I tip toed behind Kyle and wrap my arms around him hugging him from behind, I see a small smile creep up on his face, like he knew I was in the closet. Johnnie walks in and screams only startling me and Kyle we hugged each other tightly like if we were in some cartoon and we saw something terrifying. Johnnie spat out and loud laugh while I was over here pale as a damn ghost.

I was now sitting on Kyle’s lap and I didn’t notice until now and began to blush I hid my face by lowering it. Kyle lifted my face up so he could see my face and had a big smile on his face. All of a sudden I realized we weren’t pranking Kyle, but the two of them were actually pranking me.

(Kyle’s pov)

I sadly enjoyed her being next to me…to be honest when she was over there with Johnnie I felt jealousy stir up, and it wasn’t mild jealousy either. She got up off of me, the warmth of her leaving me which kind of upset me so…I did something I didn’t expect myself  to do.

I pulled her back to me and picked her up, now you can’t get away from me, she had the most surprised look on her face and smiled. She had an amazing smile, one that can make anyone else smile and it felt warm and happy.

(Blue’s pov)

I loved being there with him, but didn’t want to say that because the words wouldn’t spill out of my mouth, I didn’t want him to think I’m weird for saying such things so I kept myself quiet and smiled.

I poked his nose, stop looking at me like that, he blinked like he didn’t realize he was and I saw his face slightly redden. Suddenly when I looked at him I thought of song lyrics “I don’t want to sleep, I don’t want to dream, because my dreams are company of the way, you make me feel.” Not realizing it, I had sung that out loud and blushed and struggled to get out of his arms. His eyes were wide with shock and I was already running to my room sobbing…now he probably thinks I’m really weird…

(Kyle’s pov)

I can hear her quite sobs, I kept thinking about how she sang that out loud, I can tell she didn’t men for it to just spill out. I couldn’t tell if that’s how she feels about me or the fact she was embarrassed that she had sang in front of me. I was confused and wanted to talk to her about, but I think that is not the best idea.

I turned around only to feel a tug on the hem of my shirt and hearing her Blue choke on her tears, I knew it was her…

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