3:00 a.m

232 5 2

9 p.m

"Hoseok! Will you close up shop?" The manager of the diner Hoseok worked in shouted from the door.

"Sure, I'm just going to finish cleaning up and head out." He nodded and left Hoseok to his work. Hoseok was unusually tired today, a contrast to his usual bubbly and energetic personality. He eyelids felt heavy as he sat down on one of the chairs to rest his eyes. He lay the mop down on the floor carefully and rested his head on the red table that he just cleaned. Before Hoseok knew it, he fell asleep.


3:00 a.m

Yoongi walked by the diner to see the lights closed as usual. He checked his watch, 3:00 a.m. He walked towards the alley beside the diner and climbed up the closed dumpster. He hoisted himself up by his arms onto the roof of the diner where he would usually go to every night.

He sat down and his legs dangled over the edge of the roof. He looked around him and breathed in the cool night air. He could see faint signs of the sky starting to light up since it was the middle of summer. The stars became fainter until they were merely a light speck. He looked down and observed the quiet road. It was always like this. Sometimes, when he really didn't want to go back home, he would stay here until the streets became busier.

Right now, all the lights in the building were out except for that one apartment across the street that never turned off their lights. That's their apartment. His dad would stay up drinking all night, sometimes bringing his buddies along. Their chatter would always wake him up in the middle of the night. Sometimes his dad would bring a guest over and it seems like his dad would completely forget his son was in the next room.

Maybe this was why he had insomnia. Yoongi's dad did this every night after his mother's death. Yoongi was seven. Even as a child, he knew what his dad was doing with other girls... and the occasional boy and it made him furious. As a child, he grew up hating his dad. Not just because he would beat Yoongi whenever he lost another job or didn't have enough money to buy beer, but also because his dad promised his mom that he would love her even to the grave and that he would take care of his son. Because of this, Yoongi learned to be independent at a young age. He knew better than most kids.

He sighed as he looked down. He saw the first person walking to the taxi bay down the street to avoid traffic. Suddenly, the lights of the diner opened. That's weird. He thought to himself. The diner doesn't open until 6. The door opened and revealed a messy haired employee.


3:45 a.m

Hoseok rubbed his eyes as he woke up. The last thing he remembered was laying his head down for a quick nap. He stood up and continued cleaning when he saw the clock. 3:45. Did that clock stop during the day? Hoseok wondered. He only took a nap, he couldn'tve dozed off that long.

From the corner of his eye, he saw faint rays of sunshine. No. He rushed out and looked at the sky, it was indeed turning into day which mean he spent the whole night at the diner. He quickly looked at his wrist watch and it did indeed say 3:45 a.m. He groaned and looked up when he saw a mint haired person look down to him from the roof.

"Hey! What are you doing there?" He shouted. The person stayed quiet.

"You aren't allowed up there! I need you to come down. How the fuck did you get up there anyway?" Silence. Hoseok decided to take action and find a way up. He walked towards the alleyway beside the diner where he saw a dumpster that he could step on. He made his way to the roof and approached the mint-haired stranger.

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