3:00 a.m // two

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|3:00 a.m

Hoseok fumbled with the the edge of his sweater, nervousness and excitement filling his mind. He checked his watch for the third time in the past five minutes. 3 a.m. He started worrying that Yoongi was a no show, or that he forgot. Was he not significant enough to remember?

He was snapped back to reality by footsteps then the banging of the dumpster. He turned his head and there stood Yoongi. Dressed in all black with a hoodie three sizes too big. He swore his heart just did a somersault.

Something caught his eye though, Yoongi's eyes had no life in them, he then noticed the blue and black marks decorating the boy's face and he rushed up to him.

His hand hovered over Yoongi's skin. He looked so fragile, Hoseok was afraid he would fly away like a piece of paper. Yoongi looked into Hoseok's eyes for a moment, eyes filled with a thousand emotions it was impossible to decipher which one he wanted to convey.

The boy walked towards the edge of the roof and sat down in the same position as the night before, with his feet dangling off the edge. Hoseok followed suit, making sure they maintained their personal space.

Yoongi however scooted closer and rested his head on Hoseok's shoulder. He could feel everything, from Yoongi's shallow, uneven breathing, to his heartbeat. He tried seeing if their heartbeat matched. If Hoseok's heart was doing somersaults before, it's doing a whole fucking gymnastics routine by now.

They stay in silence for a while. Hoseok wrapped an arm around Yoongi which caused him to flinch. He wondered whether there were more bruises underneath his hoodie. Yoongi managed to keep his breathing consistent before he opened his mouth and spoke first... surprisingly.

"Give me your phone" Hoseok gave him a confused look.

"You asked for my number right? I'll type it in" he nodded before reaching into his pocket and gave him his phone. Yoongi entered his number before standing up.

"Wait!" Hoseok held onto Yoongi's wrist which caused him to flinch again.

"What?" Yoongi spat out.

"Can we stay here for a while?" Hoseok flashed his a smile. It was probably the brightest thing during that cloudy night.

"Sure" Yoongi sat back down, this time Hoseok caught sight of his bruised wrist.

"Can I ask a personal question?"

"No" he nodded and they sat in silence.

It's driving Hoseok crazy. It's been four days... should he text first or should he wait for Yoongi to text? He felt like he was in middle school all over again. Hoseok held his phone above his face while laying down on his bed. He threw it towards the foot of the bed and stared at it. His elbows propped on his knees and his chin resting between his palms.

"Are you trying to move things with your mind again?" His roommate, Taehyung, asked.

"No, not this time, but remind me to try that again later." Hoseok turned on his phone opened the messaging app. He stared at Yoongi's contact. Min Yoongi. Full name, no emoticons, no nickname. They were basically strangers.

He checked the iPad on the wall his roommate used as a clock. 11:00 p.m. Would it be socially acceptable to message someone you barely know at this time? Probably not. He doesn't even know why he was so troubled over sending a simple text message. Hoseok surely hasn't been in this situation before. He decided to sleep on it and make his decision in the morning

| Yoongi's apartment

Yoongi wants to go back to the rooftop. He misses the cool night air. He misses the moment the street lights turn off. He misses Hoseok. Unfortunately, life is never on his side and his father caught him sneaking in. Now he locks Yoongi inside his room every night.

At least he still has his phone and his computer. He opens it and checks the time, 11:0 p.m. He should probably sleep since he does have classes tomorrow.

| Seoul Institute of Arts

Hoseok was excited. He just signed up for a new class since Korean Traditional Dance kinda bored him. It just wasn't his thing. He climbed up the steps of the Music Hall and entered the lecture hall. MUSIC COMPOSITION, the sign said outside.

He took a seat on the second row, fixing his eyes on all the students entering the class when a certain mint-haired boy caught his attention. He imediately stood up and rushed to him. "Yoongi hyung!" He stood beside Yoongi and the smaller male slowly turned his head to the voice he had been dying to hear.

"Hoseok?" The younger eagerly nodded before motioning to where he was seated. "Do you want to sit beside me? I mean, only if you want to of course. I just hadn't seen you in a few days and now I find you here and I find out we go to the same uni a-" Yoongi chuckled softly at the Hoseok's babbling "Sure, I'll sit beside you" and at that moment, Hoseok's heart, once again, couldn't help but skip a beat.

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