To Love a Beast

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The air seemed thicker for some reason. It was getting harder and harder to breathe, Leo didn't seem to notice as he was to busy roughly kissing your neck. He, like Loke, was passionate and amorous it seemed. Again... you believed Loke's feelings for you were present within Leo. Despite Loke's constant flirting with other girls, you knew he loved you. You had asked him a question once, one that you asked every man who ever showed interest in you. He was the only one to ever answer correctly.

"Come on, one date! Just you, me, and a candlelit dinner. Sounds romantic right?" The handsome spirit once again pressed the subject of a date in hopes you might agree to go and enjoy yourself, and soon become his loving girlfriend.

You loved Loke, you really, really did! But it hurt you when he would eye other women you thought were prettier than you. Most of them were... you also knew he had one new girlfriend if not three or four every couple of weeks. You wanted a relationship you could trust.

Men had asked you out before, yes, but you always asked a question.
"Okay, I'll tell you what," you started. Loke listened intently and you continued, "I have just one question for you. If you answer correctly, I'll let you take me on a date-" Out of excitement, Loke interrupted you. "You'll be my girlfriend?!"
"Alright, babe," babe was his nickname for you, you stoped protesting after fifty times of him calling you this. "Lay it on me," he looked you over quick and winked.
You blushed and turned to look around at the bustling streets. You pointed to a stunningly gorgeous woman with flowing blonde hair. She had stunning eyes even from a distance, her figure was perfect, the ideal look for a woman. "See that girl over there?" Loke snickered as he smirked at the woman, "Oh my," you winced hearing him. "What's the first thing you see when you look at her?" you asked him, making your words clear. Loke looked at you, he blinked and looked back at the woman. "Well, she's beautiful no doubt," he started.

You didn't give him time to finish. You sighed and turned to face Loke, walking passed the well built, handsome male with bronze hair slightly resembling that of a lion's mane with wild tuffs of spiked hair, a few thick locks framing his heavenly face. He crossed his arms with a cocky smirk, and closed his eyes gently, pushing his glasses up to readjust them. "But she isn't you." He finished. You stopped dead in your tracks and looked back at him. He winked, making heat rise in your cheeks. "Did I answer correctly?" He asked, there was a hint of hope in his silky voice. You were unable to speak, someone had finally answered your question with 100% accuracy. "What time should I be ready?" You asked giving him a gentle smile. "I'll pick you up at eight," he said before walking off, right by the gorgeous woman. He didn't even glance at her.

"L-Leo!" You yelped quietly as his teeth grazed your soft spot. He enjoyed your actions. His gloved hands grasped your shoulders tightly as if the chains weren't already keeping you in place. As he pulled away, he licked his lips slowly and eyed you with amusement.
"Cute," he smirked. But his smirk faded as a familiar presence washed over both of you. Many spirits stood, watching Leo rise to his feet. You looked up at him, he gave you a soft smile. That smile almost made your heart stop beating. It was so similar to Loke's. You suddenly wondered what it would be like if it was Loke kissing you passionately, if it was he who was teasing you.

"Back so soon?" He asked. Leo walked to his fellow spirits. Virgo waved a globe like item. "We found it, those little brats led us right to it!" She said with a cruel look on her face.
"Is Lucy okay?" You asked suddenly. Leo turned to you, and Virgo peeked at you. She smirked, "Worried about your friend, girly?" You nodded. Virgo approached you, and Leo's expression became a dangerous one. His menacing glare fell on Virgo's back as she came to a stop in front of you. "I'm here, and she isn't. That should answer your question," she sneered. You winced, "Is she alive?" You asked. Tears threatened to fall as you looked up at the female spirit weakly. Leo was holding back, but none of the other spirits seemed to notice this.
"I want to know the state of the human too." The male said suddenly, drawing the pink-head's sinister eyes away from your weakening form.
"She's alive. But I'll make her wish she wasn't."
"That won't be a problem," you chimed in. The spirits looked at you as you said "Without all of you, she won't ever be happy."

"Are you really still trying to get us to be her slaves again?" Aquarius asked.

"Not slaves."
Leo had sent off the other spirits again but not before Virgo got in another good beating. Now, the mighty lion spirit knelt before you to examine a cut on your cheek. "This is my fault." He said.

"How do you figure?"

"I should have never brought you here. I should have killed you when I had the chance... before you poisoned my mind."

"Is it your mind that yearns for me?" It was a rhetorical question. You already knew that the spirit was too tough and 'evil' to admit he was in love with you.

He grabbed your chains with an angry look on his face, about to yank on them. His narrow eyes bored into yours with great hatred and affection. He hated that you were right, but he loved loving you. You winced as his hand moved away from the chains and aggressively grabbed your chin.

He kissed you gently, teasing your lips. His aggressive actions had made you crave a kiss of the same intensity.
When he pulled aways you left one more kiss on his lips. "Do you really wish you'd killed me?"

"No. It seems that you really can love a beast after all, beautiful. You shouldn't lie."

The two of you had become the very fairytale you loved so much. Beauty and the Beast. Now, only you could save your cursed prince.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2018 ⏰

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