Chapter 3

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 "Ok, so, I have been thinking about nerds first..." Charlie told me, sitting across from me and Andrew in KFC.

"Well, I hardly think she'll fit in." Andrew started without hesitation. I was about to ask him what he meant by that, but got stopped by him, "She's more likely to be a wallflower, don't you think?"

That earned a glare by me. "I don't want to spend my senior year of high school at the sidelines of every social event and faded in the background. Besides, I hardly pay attention to the people around me." I sipped on my Krushems before plopping a popcorn chicken in my mouth, and noticed the weird glare Charlie and Andrew gave me. "What?" I asked, sounding completely clueless.

Andrew sighed and shook his head, as if he had pity for me. "Not all wallflowers are like that, Maya. Movies and books aren't always correct."

That left me speechless. I knew he was right. I had to stop depending on those cliche movies and books so often, or it will leave me friendless- and like a freak.

"I guess you're right." I sighed, plopping another popcorn chicken in my mouth.

"Aren't I always?" I froze at it, and turned my whole body to look at Andrew with a flat look, which earned a chuckle from him. "Hey, I'm just joking!" he laughed and put his arms in the air as if he had surrendered.

Charlie noticed the coversation stopper, and she thankfully started a new one. "As interesting as your petty chat may be, let's get back to what started the whole thing. So, for nerds, Andrew will help us out. A lot of the nerds are nice, but some are real jerks. Just a warning." she glanced at Andrew while she said that, and he definitely didn't miss it because he pouted in response.

"Cool, but what do I do?" I asked curiously, propping my elbow on the table and I held my chin with my hands.

"You just spend the day with them. Check out the thing they do, how they act, and stuff." Charlie shrugged, "Make some new friends, and point out the other jerks. So basically, you'll sit with them at lunch and the whole day tomorrow. If any of them are in your class, you might want to get partnered up with them for a better grade if you suck at one." 

I laughed at the end. "Yeah, I will. Thanks for the advice."

Andrew forked down a chicken drumstick before pouting dramatically again at Charlie with his eyebrows furrowed, "So basically you're just using me and my gang?''

"Of course." Charlie nodded. "I thought you would figure it out already. Since, you know, you're the smartest kid in school?"

"Well," he put a hand over his heart but still cocked a head at Charlie. "I'm touched at the compliment, but that's low, Charles. Even for you."

She narrowed her eyes at him, "Don't call me Charles, Andy."

"Don't call me Andy, Charles." Andrew shot back, glaring at Charlie too.

I knew I had to stop this fight, no matter how entertaining it was. "Ok, children. Quieten down. You don't want to start a fight now in KFC, do you? And you certainly don't want to clean up either. Gosh, I feel like a parent." I gasped at the end, feigning shock.

Andrew cracked his knuckes and stared at his opponent threateningly, and Charlie did the same "I wouldn't mind to start a fight with someone who I'd win to." he grinned, while I glared at him. He kept the grin, but rolled his eyes too. "Alright, alright. Sorry Miss Montgomery. Do you want me to go sit in the bad corner for a little while?"

"As a matter of fact, you should." Charlie grinned back at Andrew, making his sly smile fall.

We dropped our conversation after that, and went back to eating, only making little comments here and there, but they didn't even count as small talk. We were too engulfed in our food to talk, and once we were done, I needed to go back to my dormitory to pack, so we said our goodbyes while I walked back, ready to face fighting and a whole lot of noise. 

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