Boyfriend , no date

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Photos in media- tweety

Walking into school I was greeted by everyone , my brother was popular which made me kinda popping.

At lunch I sat at the table with my Bestfriend tweety "kierra" , her momma nicked named her tweety so we kept it at that.

"Girl so I met Travis little boo yesterday , the bitch is stuck up , we was gon fight but yo brother had made me stay in his room" she said

"Who the one from Sunday ?" I asked

"Yes girl she's like older than us like 22, her name Jaleesa , she a Cuban & black like me, but she like a stuck up bitch with dough or something" tweety said

"I was trynna get along with her I said hi & she wouldn't speak back like she was a bitch all the way around" tweety said

"Eww don't break yo neck to ever speak to anyone" I said

"How is everything with Marcus tho , y'all handled everything?" Tweety

"We good but like it bothers me that he's so serious about not taking me to prom , like you have my brother so I can't rain on your parade." I said

"I just hope on prom day he changes his mind like surprise me or something" I said

"That's because you been holding onto the kitty" tweety giggled

"I know imma give it up prom night" I said

"I got a hotel" I said

"Ooooooooh Bitch " tweety cooed

"I'm honestly proud of you ! I'm starting to believe you when you say you no longer have a crush on Travis" tweety said

"Why you say that" I chuckled

" because you always said you were saving yourself for trav" she said

Which was true I've been crushing on trav since we were kids I got with Marcus cause I wanted to take my mind off of Travis who never even knew I liked him that's why i be talking shit because I be soo mad that he never read my mind lol & knew that I like him. I love my boyfriend tho &  I know that Travis is off limits.

"Yeah I had to" I said

"My pook is growing up"tweety said

I just laughed.

After school I had to go by my brother & tavis spot with tweety , to use my brother laptop because I didn't have one.

Walking inside it smelled nice , like vanilla , it was quiet & cool. Nicely decorated

Heading towards my brother room , you could hear loud moans , tweety face switched up & she brushed passed me , quickly to my brother room but it was nothing it was an intro to a song. My brother & Travis was in the room on the laptop with music going .

"Omg" I scoffed

"What ?" Markell asked

"I need your laptop to order the rest of my prom stuff" I said

"Do it on your phone" he said

" I need more than one window & I want my Bestfriend opinion" I said

"Well then wait , " he said

"I can't I have work in a few" I said

"Man me & the homie doing something" Markell said

"You can use mines on my dresser." Travis said as he kept looking at the computer.

Rushing into his room with tweety I was surprised to see the naked girl in Travis bed. She jumped up covering herself.

"I'm sorry , I didn't know you were in here" I said

" yeah shouldn't be busting in people's room" she said , I ignored her& went into the living room & did what I had to do before leaving.

Work was cool , except for the texts between me & Marcus , I'm still trying to convince him to come with me to prom , but it's not happening , out of anger. I told him not to come pick me up , I'll have my brother come get me.

Pulling back up to my brother & Travis pad , I couldn't wait to see my Bestfriend & give her the scoop.

As I sat in the living room she skimmed over our texts , while my brother & Travis was doing something in their kitchen

"Damn he has every excuse as in to why he don't want to go" tweety said

"& you would think that he would ! I been with him all through high school , he should feel that it's important just as much as I do" I said

"Fuck him girl , at least he already gave you the dough to enjoy yourself & he booked your room" tweety said

"A room for what tho ? Myself ? He told me to have an after prom kick back. Like wtf" i said

"Shittttttttt let me use the hotel then" Travis chuckled from the kitchen.

"Yeah right , you paying to use it?" I asked

"No , tf ya main mans already did" Travis said

"Then no !" I said

"I was just playing withcho ugly ass" Travis chuckled

"Aye my lil sister not ugly" my brother said

"Yeah my pook is the bomb" my Bestfriend cooed

"Then why she letting a whack ass nigga bring her down , like she ugly ?" He said

"Marcus is not whack at all ," I said defending him

"Pshhh then what is he ? You don't wanna take your girl to prom because of ? If his mommy , dad , or grandparent didn't die then it shouldn't be any reason" Travis said

"He has to actually go out of town on a business trip" I corrected him

"Which will bring in more dough so we can get a place" I said

"You believe that?" Travis asked

"I believe my man , he has no reason to lie to me" I said

"Niggas don't need a reason to lie now days" Travis said

"Yeah you should know" I said

"Exactly" he chuckled

As we were going back & forth the girl from earlier walked out.

"Baby my uber is here" she said

"Fasho" he said & she walked out

"Damn you can't hug your girl?" I laughed

"Damn ya boy can't take you to prom" he laughed

"Fuck you" I said

"Yeah ok" he said as he walked into his room.

Hours later my brother took me home it was kinda late & my mom was furious.

"Where tf you been?" She said

"At Markell place" I said

"I told you I don't want you around him he's bad news"she said

"Mom be for real , that is my brother" I said before going into my room.

As I sat on my bed I called Marcus didn't care about the time either.

"Hello" he said

"Hey babe I just wanted to tell you goodnight" I said

"Ha ,goodnight to you too ma" he chuckled.
"Love you" he added

"Love you too" I smiled

We exchanged good bye's & went to sleep.

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