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Kingsley (minister of magic) POV
I tremble into the school about to give the dreaded news to professor mc Gonagall, I did not agree with it but I got out voted.   It's kind of hard to get out voted when your the minister of magic but clearly I did. I've reached the gate and I walk in. School term starts tomorrow.
"You wanted to see me" bellows mc Gonagals voice as i entered the office. "Umm yes I have some news" I reply
"Ok then and what might that news be"
"Umm well theresanewlawthatmakesanyone fromtheage17to20marryandhavetwochildrenandthelartnerswillbenatxhedinaceremony"
"Kingsley please say that so I can understand"
" oh sorry there a new law that makes people between 17 and 20 get married and have one child in a year then you have three years after that you have to have another"
"And this rule was made why"
" because I'm the ear out population went down by a heap and we need to try and boost it"
"Ok minister, you may leave"
Well that was stressful who would've thought once i got out side the grounds I aperated back to the ministry
Herminie's POV
I board the train with Ron we're still together after the war but but as a close relationship that is like but I've learned to make do. When I bored the train I go find next to Ginny, but she had already found Harry and was snogging him "ahem" they both look up and seperate I go and sit down no one talks for a while then Ron walks in and asks is if someone died were nether quiet apparently but I think we are quite of them actually we change into our hogwarts robe. Everyone that survived came back to finish year seven with the year group below us. We walk into the great hall looking as magnificent as ever we take our seats and the first years walk in looking freezing I look outside and realise it's raining 'how' I thought but than snapped my attention back to mc gonagall when she started calling out the names
"Tahlia" "ravenclaw"
"Slitherin" again "Byrn"
"Griffindore" "Charlie" ravenclaw  "Harrison" huffle puff "Simone" raven claw"
"Louie" "griffindore"
"Laila" hufflepuff" etc..
By the end of the day we had only gain four, four for shitherin, four for ravenclaw and four also for hufflepuff. There were barley any students our school was tiny it almost didn't feel real. I was lost in thought about god knows what when mc gongal stands up and say "all students may go to your dorms. Except for seven years" and just like that's the hall emptied until there was only seven years.
"Ok now I've got an announcement" she tells the crowd "this year a rule has been put in that all seven years ti twenty have will be paired. You need to get married and have one child within a year then you have three years to have another child, if you fail to reach these needs then it will end with expulsion from the wizarding world and you magic will be taken away" the crowd gasps and look at one another with worried and confused faced "you need if fill out these forms" Says mcgonagal then papers start floating down the table and flying into the waiting persons hands when I got mine I quickly got to work. What do these questions have to do anything they were questions like:
Favourite ice cream flavour
In a serious relationship
If so who with
"Now please hand those back to me please the ceremony will take place soon"
Every one shuffles in there seats and I must say I did to
Mc gonagall stood up and every one went silent "now it's time for the matching ceremony"

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