Chapter Fifteen - The Beast

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"Hey Princess", I said while grabbing Autumn from in waist. She just smile and rest her head on my chest. It warm my heart to hear the fast beating of her because I know that I feels the same way she does.

With this, I know that even all of this trouble. I know I can survive to it as long as she's with me.

"Sky, can you sing for me? I just want to hear your voice, singing for me so badly"

I stiffened but kiss her on temple. "Sure. Just bear my voice"

She smile and nod at me. It is the debt I need to pay to her for so long. And I promise myself I'll sing to her if asked again.

Tomorrow morning if you wake up
And the sun does not in view
Cause I ... I will be here
If in the dark we lost sight of love
Hold my hand and have no fears
Cause I...  I will be here

I will be here when you feel like being crying
When you need to speak your mind I will listen
And I will be here when the laughter turns to crying
To the winning, lose and trying
Will be together... Cause I will be here

When I finished the song I heard her wept. "Something's wrong?"

"Nothing. I love you, Sky"

"I love you, too", I said as I caressed her face with my thumb.

"Please Sky, promise me"

I looked at her. She was pleading and I can't say 'no' to her.. Not now...

"What is it?"

"You'll find me. Please find me"

I open my mouth to say something when I hear the for burst open. It was Cloud. I groaned to find myself alone in bed. Next day I'll asked Autumn to be with me or asked her to marry me... Goodness! It was a dream!

"What is it bro?"

"Bad news Sky. Rogues attacked and they take Autumn!"

I stand and look at him with disbelief. But his seriousness brought fear in my heart.


I didn't bother if I'm half naked. All I care is about my mate.

"Did you find any clue where they take her?!"

"Yeah. We catch one of them alive he's now in the interrogating room",

I ran to that room and find dad and Cielo encircling a man tied in the chair.

"Where did your comrades take her?!" Cielo in a firm tone. It seems that she's losing patience and I'm losing patience too. I need to save her.

"Where is she?!" I roared but my dad blocked my way. Cielo sigh irritatedly with her eyes blank.

"No. He won't speak anymore. Kill him and feed him to the birds",

The man seems scared by the way Cielo stare at him.

"T-they took her to Alpha Marco"

"That fucking bastard! I going to kill him! " I growl and ran outside to their direction. I shift and follow my mate's scent.

This time I'll send him to the hell to be with his bitch if she ever lay a finger in my mate.

Dad called me but my eyes is all red and I can't hear them anymore. I have to save my mate. I need to save her!


My eyes shot open when something cold is splash through my body. I cough and tried to reach my mouth with my hand but my hand is chained and the way it hurts like it means it was a silver. I tried to call for Angela but she's not responding.
I look around and the small light coming from a hole isn't helping me to recognize the whole place. But the way that blood stinks I know I'm in a dungeon.. But where?

I'm Her MateOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant