"Come on, things will get better. Don't worry."

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You hold your rifle close to your chest as you back away from your camp, breaking into a sprint as the dead follow suit. You couldn't see anything, but you knew they still followed. The smell of rotting flesh and the sound of feet following you made you feel uneasy. You turn a corner, putting one hand out to make sure you didn't hit a tree. You run forward then you feel yourself fall. With out a moment to scream, you hit freezing water. Your body goes into shock for a moment before you regain control and swim up. You hold on tightly to your rifle as you look around, unable to see because of the water that kept slashing your face, and the darkness. You hear something...Unsettling...Rushing water...Very loud rushing water...Then you get a glimpse of something as the moon peeks out from behind the clouds you never thought would clear...A waterfall. You attempt to swim back, and you you couldn't. The current pushed you towards the waterfall. You closed your eyes as you saw it approach...Then the drop. You screamed as you fell, then you hit water, knocking you unconscious. When you woke, a girl who looked about ten, was looking you over. When she saw your eyes open, she ran out, coming back with a woman looking about twenty. She looks at the girl and asks, "Doll could you go and get Elliot?"The little girl nods and ran off, leaving you and the woman alone. "That was quite a fall. How ya feelin'?"She had an accent. Sounded southern. You simply attempt to move and wince. The woman sighs. "I'm sad to say, but you broke your leg in that fall. You're safe, but not gonna be able to move quickly for a while." Looking around, you notice that you are in a cabin. There was medicine, rags, splints, syringes, the whole shabang. Was she a doctor?
Zombie Apocalypse is in progress
You can't know them.
Must know how to operate a rifle
Be from a group
"People here call me Angel. My real name is Kiki."She smiles softly.
(Kiki Clark)

"Well, I just told ya! Angel. I'm the only medic here, so it fits me well in their eyes."

"Well that's blunt. I'm twenty four. Why?"

"Well what a silly question!"

"Well I'm a lesbian. I'm not into guys."

"Human....I haven't turned yet I promise."



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"Uh...I'm five foot, eleven. Why do ya wanna know?"

"I am only one hundred and twenty pounds....I'm pretty skinny."

"Well I like to think that I'm pretty nice."
(Kiki is very sweet and gentle. She wants to help everyone, even people who do her wrong. She tries her best to help her family and friends, and wants to make things better and easier. When she is around strangers, she tries to be calm and gain their trust. She isn't irrational in the slightest. She can be pretty motherly. Because she is a mother. She is working on a cure, and is very intent on finding one. She wants a world where her daughter doesn't have to fear walking around. When it comes to her work, she is very open, but serious. She can get frustrated, but this is mostly with her work, not people.)

"Well I love my daughter...I like my community. It makes me happy to see people workin' together through this...Um...I like it when bandits leave us alone, and when I help wounded. I don't like people gettin' wounded, but I like helpin' them, alright? I like flowers and I like playin' with my baby girl Kizana. She is my miracle...Anyways. I like it when my experiments work...I have been able to stabilize someone who was bit! They need medicine daily, but it's working! I'm so glad..."

"When my daughter runs off without tellin' me or anyone else. When someone dies in our camp...When my experiments fail....Stress..The thought of my daughter turnin' into one of those...Things..."Kiki shivers. "I don't want to loose her so young."

"Well I was a doctor before it all started. I was twenty when it all started. Kizana, my daughter, was one. I never saw something spread so fast. Me and Kizana left the city with as much as we could carry in out little car. I didn't know what was happenin' at the time...Thought it was curable. We traveled till we ran out of gas somewhere in the woods. I got out, grabbed my baby girl and then went searchin' for help. Yes I had a weapon. A pistol for killin' those things. With a stroke of luck, we found the community. They took us in, and were glad to have us. They were pacifists, but knew how to defend themselves when it came down to it. Now four years later, no one is workin' on fixin' the world. I'm gonna try my best to fix it. Even if it kills me."

(Her daughter Kizana)

Other:(Her daughter Kizana)

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