Chapter 1

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Chapter One:

Nix's P.O.V. (Nee-sh)

I hear a scream. High pitched and shrill. The smile on my face is quickly replaced by a look of pure terror. I spin on my heel and race towards an obsolete house with boarded up windows. Quickly I shift into a sleek black cat and climb inside a window unnoticed by the people inside. There is a body of a women on the floor. I stay, lurking quietly in the corner, unseen. I'm petrified with fear, I'm almost certain that this is another Jack the Ripper case, and the poor women is ,or about to be, murdered. The person creeps out of the house leaving the woman to her death. I shift back into my normal self and slowly walk to the unmoving body. My mismatched eyes scan the body for any sign of life. I know that face.

Mother! I race towards the bloody, mangled body and wrap my arms around the corpse. Tears flow down my face like a river. The dark read liquid that flowed from her abdomen stained my white dress. I held her broken face in my hands and slammed my fist into the stone floor, causing cracks to ripple across it. Why me? My mother was the descendant of a Phantomhive earl, who had too many debts to pay and went into a certain business. With her work she had born two daughters, Myself and Rain. The work left us different. Our left eye was golden,had a white streak in our jet black hair, and could shift into a diseased animal. Even though she was disgraced because of her work, she was a good and kind mother who accepted our differences instead of shaming them. Now she was dead. Brutally killed by the infamous Jack the Ripper. My hand instantly krept to my necklace. No. Not yet. The necklaces were a gift from our mother. It's twin glowed when the other touched hers. I covered my poor mother up with a dark cloth and slipped into the darkness, a feline once more. I crept back into the alleyway when a tall man in a black suit picked me up and started stroking my fur. Act normal Nix, be a cat. After he put me down I looked back. He had the same red hue my right eye did. I raced to the shabby shop at the end of the road. I walked into the shop to see the Undertaker.

"Well well?" He laughed, "If it isn't Nix Phantomhive"

"Skip it" I said brushing away the remaining tears, "There is another Ripper case. The body is just down the road, I covered her in a dark cloth"

"Alright, but it will cost you" His grin widened.

"Put it on my bill." I run out of the dark shop. I sprint back into the alley to find people. A boy about the age of 12, the man in black, a posh woman with a startled look on her face and a man? The woman was choking the child up against the brick wall. The Black Butler was fighting the red-headed man with all his might. He moved faster than any other person I've seen except me and Rain. The other man was wielding a machine with spinning teeth. I hop behind a crate and watch the scene. I watch the woman in red me murdered and the boy and red-eyed man go home. Another man in a suit came to collect the other man. Apparently he was a reaper, like the Undertaker. Another supernatural being is residing in London? Rain would like to hear this.. No its not time yet. I scamper back to my flat, my body aching from grief. I sit on my bed brushing my long black hair. The bath was filling and I saw Scotland Yard come to investigate the rest of the evidence. I lowered myself into the steaming water watching how the blood dyed the water scarlet. I scrubbed myself numb and climbed into the silky sheets feeling more tired than I have ever been.

The next day was my mothers funeral. I was tempted to call on Rain again but the necklace was only able to be used once a week before it recharged. I woke to another grey London morning. It seems that God had dyed the sky with sorrow. I trudged over to the stack of clothes on my desk. All I wore was black. Slowly I picked out a dress with lace trim and a hat with a veil to cover my crimson eye. People would start to wonder. I changed and climbed down the house. On my way to the abbey I passed the Phantomhive manor. I remember going there with my beloved mother. Her brother was the earl and she was devastated when he died. I can recall wandering its great halls and playing with Lady Phantomhive who was pregnant with her son. I think I was five at the time, Rain was with me of course and she was about three. I knelt down at the gates my head in my hands. A boy no older than me came to the edge of the gates and smiled.

" Hello little kitty!" he beamed reaching his hand through the bars.

Oh great I'm still a cat. The blonde boy opened the gates, picked me up and carried me inside the manor. He led me into the kitchen and asked the cook to cut me up some fish. He carefully placed me onto the floor as the maid placed a china dish filled with tuna in front of me. I quickly gobbled it up, I hadn't had my breakfast yet.

"Sebastian insisted that any feline on or outside our grounds must be well fed. Yes he did!" the maid said in her squeaky voice. I brushed up against her leg and purred deep in my throat. The man I saw the day before walked into the room and smiled at the sight of me.

"Hello again Miss." he said in a silky tone. I meowed to show that I heard him. I turned to the man, Sebastian, and rubbed against his extended hand. He quickly let me out the kitchen door. I looked back, hoping I would see him again. I walked off of the grounds (as a human) brushing the dirt off my dress. He came running out. "So, I was right about you." he smiled.

"About what?" Playing innocent was my best attribute.

"You are a demon." He bowed. "I am in great awe. You can change into an animal that can always win my heart"

" You are wrong there, Sebastian." I crossed my arms," I am mearly a shapeshifter. What about you?"

" I am a raven/crow demon." He placed his gloved hand on his chest, " May I see your face Miss?"

I remove my hat and veil as bat my eyes. "Exquisite" he said in awe. "I've never seen such peculiar eyes."

"Thank you?"

" Was your mother human?" he pondered

" I..I don't know" I stuttered, "I don't know about my father either."

Someone yelled from the house. "Please forgive me madam, I must go." He bowed again, "Might I know your name Miss?"


"I hope I can see you again Nix" He walked back into the kitchen.

Slower than usual I shifted into cat form, It was faster, and raced to the church. I arrived in time to see my mother being lowered into the earth. Her casket was open and she was dawned with a pale blue dress. The Undertaker fixed her up. No blood or gore. She looked, peaceful for once in her life. Her blond hair was neatly piled on her head and crowned with daisies. I lowered my head in prayer. My mother brought us up very religiously. She was never allowed in any holy place because of her job. Rain and I went to a church every Sunday. I changed back into a feline and climbed into a nearby tree until everyone left. My mother only had me and my sister, the others where her employers and the priest. After the site was cleared I transformed back and sat by her grave stroking the stone that marked her burial site. I have no where to go. I'm all alone.

The Phantomhive manor. Their son will take me in until I've finished grieving. Slowly, I stroked the white gem adorned on my necklace and spoke "Rain, come. Mother is dead."

A/N: Hi! Im Erin and I am writing from Nix's P.O.V. and her personality is based off of mine! Rain's P.O.V. will be written by Cassie! Hope you like it! don't for get to comment and vote!

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