Bonus Chapter

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A/N Congrats guys! We have over 200 readers! You have earned a bonus chapter. Psych is my favorite show so it really means alot to me for you guys to share my interest in it. I love NCIS to. So, you know how in the beginning of every Psych episode there's a flashback with Shawn as a kid? Well, here are the never before seen ones featuring Lauren! Enjoy! XOXO


"Ready Lauren?" Henry said standing at the pitchers mound. "The real question is, are you and Gus ready to get you butts beaten?" I asked. "Enough talking Lauren! Just hit the ball already!" Shawn yelled from second base. "Shut up Shawn! You're not the boss of me!" I yelled. He narrowed his eyes at me. "Okay Lauren, choke up on the bat." Henry said. I nodded and moved my hands up on the bat. "Perfect. Are you ready?" He asked me. I nodded and he pitched the ball to me. I hit the ball all the way into the out field. "Well would you look at that. She's a hitter." Henry said. Shawn ran from second to home and I ran around the bases. Gus took off his hat and threw it on the ground. "You could learn something from her Shawn." Henry said messing up my hair.


"Hey Shawn and Lauren, do you two want to go see a movie later today." Henry asked taking money out of his wallet. "I thought you had to work." I said crossing my arms. "I do. But I know that you two wanted to see 101 Dalmatians." He said. Shawn and I looked at each other and narrowed our eyes at him. "Spill it dad." Henry said. "I don't know what you mean." Henry said. "Who's coming over?" I asked. "You two don't miss anything do you." Henry said. "Being raised by a cop really paid off." Shawn said. I nodded in agreement. "Fine, I'm leading an investigation and we need to meet here before busting the guy." He said. Shawn and I looked at each other. "Let us come!" I said excitedly. "No. Absolutely not." Henry said shaking his head. "Come on dad." Shawn said. "No. I am not putting you two in danger." Henry said. "Fine." I said taking the money out of Henry's hand. "Let's go Shawn." I said. Shawn and I walked out of the door. "Are we really seeing the movie?" He asked. "No. We could buy at least a week's worth of candy with this money." I said. "Smart thinking." He said.

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