Chapter 1- Another Man- Sold to a God

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It was just like any other day. I was hiding in my room, refusing to talk to my father. He had let another man in, just so he could rent me out for the night. I didn't want to do this anymore! I never even wanted to do this! He made me do it, just so he could get money, for his drugs... The things that have taken all his attention. Never did he care about me, selling me to random men, for them to do whatever they want with me! Every night I was sold to a different man. One day it could be a nice man, who wanted to help, and another it was some creep who wanted head. 

"Ava Belle Marie! You've got another customer!" My father's raspy voice yelled up the stairs. Customer, ha! They werent my customers, they were his, and he damn well knew it. I decided to ignore him, soon to realize that wasnt the best decision. I heard his heavy footsteps echoing from the hallway, his breath getting heavier after every step. "Open this damn door or God so help me!" He bellowed, his fists banging on the door. 

"God? God? Really? Since when do you believe in God?" I laugh, rolling my eyes. I stode to the bed, and plopped on the sheets. A strand of purple hair fell in my face. Oh how I loved my hair. It was naturally purple. It sounds impossible, and everyone thought it was... Until I came along. When I was born, everyone thought I was a mutant or something. My father kicked on the door, and it came crashing down with a thud.

My heart almost stopped when his face came close to mine. His plain brown eyes were looking into my green ones, and his breath reaked. "You've got a visitor," He hissed, grabbing a fist full of my hair. I shreaked as he pulled me off my bed. "Let go! I'll walk god dammit just let go!" I bargained, smacking at his hand. He let go of my hair, but took ahold of my shirt. He led me to our small kitchen, where I saw a tall man sitting there. 

His hair was long and slicked back, and he was wearing a nice looking suit. He turned to us, and smiled at me. It was a rather sinister looking smile, which gave me chills up and down my spine. He was pale, and his teeth were white. He looked me up and down, then nodded to my father. Both men looked at me, each of them were smiling. The stranger grabbed my arm, leading me outside. 

"Get your hands off me!" I screamed at him, tugging my arm away from his grip. "This would be easier for the both of us if you just played alone Ava Belle," he hissed as he pushed me into a black car. "What are you gonna do to me?" I questioned, pushing my back up against the oppisite door. "You will find out eventually Midguardian." He told me. He had said the last word with such disgust, it was as if he was talking to a murderer. 

"I am Loki, of Asgard," He told me, motioning for the driver to begin driving. "If you follow a few simple rules, I think we'll get along just perfectly. Do everything that I say, when I say it. Do not argue with me. Do not talk back. And you must always refer to me as Master or King."

What the hell is this guy into? "What a weirdo," I mutter. I felt a sharp pain across my cheek. He slapped me?! "I'm sorry, but who the fuck even are you?!" I scream at him. "And you cannot hit me! Thats not in my father's little deal!" He brought his hand up to my face, and cackled. "You're fathers deal doesnt matter anymore," He started. "You're mine now mortal, and you will not disobey me, or you will be punished."

I looked over at him, so see that he had somehow changed clothes. He was no longer wearing the suit he once wore, now, he was wearing what looked like some fantasy game army outfit. "When did you change? And what do you mean his deal doesnt matter anymore?" He laughed again. In one swift motion, he took my chin in one hand, and looked into my eyes.

"You are mine now, and you cant do anything about it."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2014 ⏰

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