Chapter 2 (Thilalara)

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Thilalara's heeled boots clicked across the floor of Shal'aran. She was pacing as she had been since Illidan returned to life. Ten step in one direction then ten back, he got her in the habit of pacing in such a perfect and calculated manner. Often she still wondered the significance of it, but she never asked, and she wouldn't either because she could guess the why.

"You're going to run a hole in my floor," Thalyssra comments as she passes her carrying a bottle of archwine, "just go see him if it's bothering you so much."

"I'm not bothered," she defends too quickly. Her hand wanders to her dagger, old, beat up, and missing it's twin.

"Don't throw it at me, I'm just saying what everyone is thinking. You are being a coward."

"Then I'm a coward," and this time the dagger is drawn and goes flying into the wall besides Thalyssra.

"You're anything but, you gave Malfurion Stormrage an ear full because he wouldn't listen and for that you are no longer allowed to enter The Dream. Maybe your bravery is just misplaced."

Thilalara rolls her eyes and retieves  her dagger from the wall before walking out of the cave. To her mind air could help so as soon as she was outside she transformed into a bird and took off into the air.

She didn't even realize she'd flown all the way to Deliverance Point on the Broken Shore until she saw Khadgar, standing by Illidan, and speaking to him. Her wings carrying her to him without thought as her mind was far away, thinking of her time at the Temple.

Seeing him started a war in her brain, so for a time she hovered flapping her wings and deciding whether or not to land. To show herself to him.

His spectral eyes caught sight of her aura though before she had a chance to make the decision. Turning he flaps his own wings once and reaches his hand out catching her wing before pulling her back to the ground.

"I know it's you," he whispers just loud enough for her to hear as he places her on the ground.

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