Miscellaneous Puns

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Yesterday a man was arrested for camping in a cemetery. When questioned, a police officer stated that the suspect had grave intentions...

If I made fun of a lion's family would it hurt his pride?

America 2016 proved easy to divide, but I think America 2017 is going to be prime.

 "I have a phobia of dairy cows..." the boy said in udder terror.

A mechanical pencil I just put new lead in stopped working... I wonder if it has been mislead?

What did the dollar say to the quarter after a long day in circulation?... "Man, Am I spent..."

My car had a dead battery this morning and I had to charge it. It was a revolting process but it had to be done.

If a guitarist cut his finger when playing would it be on his own A Chord?

I fixed a duck's broken beak the other day but he forgot to pay... guess I'll just send him a bill.

One of my coworkers has a habit of leaving wheel lug nuts loose, his career has been hanging by a thread for quite awhile.

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