Chapter 2

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When the sun lowers down hiding behind the horizon dad stood up and stretched. I stand up quickly and turn around to see mom walking over. "Hello Mother."

She smiles brightly and her scales shift to a happy yellowish color. She stands in front of me and then lowers her head to bump her snout against mine. I giggle softly and dad chuckles walking to stand next to mom.

"You guys had fun?"

"Well I did. I love watching the sun set." Dad grins and looks at me.

"I had fun. It looks beautiful from this view." I glance outside then back at mom.

"Just imagine watching the land rush past you while the wind blows in your face and weaves his eyes closing.

I watch his scales as they shift to a light sky blue color. I hear mom giggle then she bumps dad with her shoulder.

"Oh yeah. Well anyway flying is a thrill and soon enough you will be able to join me in the early morning flights." Dad says grinning at me.

"Seriously??" I look at dad then at mom, then back at dad.

Mom nods slowly as dad chuckles his wings ruffling.

I ruffle my wings slightly turning to face the outside night. "Can we go out now?" I whisper still watching the stars twinkling around a black canvas.

Mom steps forward and sits next to me nd sighs, "First you would have to work your wing muscles before trying to just straight up fly."

Dad sits at my otherside, "She's right." I hop backward several times, standing in the middle of the cave, "So let's work."

Mom sighs, "Maybe another night Tor." My wings drooped sadly, "But why not?" Dad walks to myside and places a talon on my shoulder, "It's pretty late bud. If we go this late and with how dark it is me and your mom would not be able to see you cause your scales don't shine like ours do." Dad explains.

I sigh, "Okay."

Mother walks over and places her head on mine adding no weight so my head doesn't drop much, "We love you Tor. Your time will come."

Dad comments, "Yeah we do love you, and we are gonna have rules when your time comes."

I chuckle lightly and mom lifts her head and looks out at the moon.

"I think it's time to hit the hay Tor." Dad says looking at mother noticing her mood change. I nod once and leap onto my ledge. I face the cave wall hearing dads claws click on the ground. I roll over to the edge of the ledge and look over to see dad's wing over mom as they watch the stars twinkle. Dad whispers something to mom and she sighs heavily. Dad kisses her head then lays his head gently on moms.

Mom turns her head slightly then opens her wings jumping out the cave and taking air. Dad soon after follows.

I sigh softly and turn over letting sleep carry me to her home. 

(Thats a full chapter yay!!! hope you all enjoy!)

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