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Today Blake and I were hanging with our gang. me and my friend Matt he's 17 have been planing on pranking Blake for 2 Weeks we officially had an idea. Matt went to the joke store a bought a fake pregnancy test. so the whole gang was in on it. so we went to his house  and I pretended to go to the bathroom. Opened the fake pregnancy test then  i.went and sat in the hallway with Matt and used my 7th grade acting tip that makes me cry on comand. Blake came in and I started yelling at Matt. I then told him that I was pregnant and that its Matts. I then said it was an accident and that I didnt mean to.  he was freaking out.. Asking me when this happened and how this happened. I said Blake I think u know how this happened. About 2 Weeks ago." After that he talked to another member of our group we call her A. she told him to tell me how he felt about this he looked at me and I started laughing. And he was like y are u laughing this is seriouse ur parents are gonna kick u out and Matt is gonna go to jail.  I told him It was a prank then he laughed at himself. This was fun. It felt so real. Thank u BlackBerry2003

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