Chapter Fifteen

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A block away from the Scanelli mansion, a pair of headlights turned on behind me. The lights were so bright, they blinded me in my motorcycle rear-view mirror.

I gave it gas.

The headlights stayed with me.

I turned hard at the next corner.

The headlights stayed with me.

The streets were winding streets, up in the hills. I couldn't go too fast.

I also had no idea where I was going. All I wanted was to keep distance between me and the headlights.

I turned corner after corner, trying to lose the headlights. Nothing worked.

Three minutes later, I hit a dead end. I could see where the street ended a hundred yards ahead. I spun my bike around and faced the headlights.

For a moment, I stayed where I was. I gunned the motorcycle engine and got ready.

I knew what I had to do. I had to run at the car as fast as possible. I had to fake going one way, but take the other way. Once I was past the car, I could escape.

The car screeched to a stop about fifty yards away.

Both doors opened.

In the glare of the headlights, I saw very little. There was a man behind each door, facing me.

"Freeze!" a voice shouted. "FBI!"

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