Chapter I - A chance meeting

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The TARDIS spun wildly, though luckily a stabilizer prevented the inhabitants from getting tossed about. The Doctor was hitting controls left and right as he tried to regain control before an impact with an asteroid.

"Donna! Hit that switch over there!" he commanded, gesturing vaguely to a panel with many buttons, switches and the like on it.

"Which one!?" she shouted over the general commotion and noise. "There's hundreds of them!"

"The red one, closest to the top right!" he shouted back, both hands frantically manipulating the controls. "Before we hit the asteroid would be nice!" Donna searched frantically before spotting the button and slamming her hand down on top of it.

"Why on Earth would you think going for a fly through the rings of Saturn would be considered a good idea!?" she shouted.

"Weeeell," he drew out the 'eh' sound. "technically  we're not on Earth." he glanced hurriedly at the screen. "And we needed some of the gas from the centre. Though, it's not looking like we'll make it that far..." Donna looked at him with wide eyes.

"Then go back to Earth so we won't get be killed by giant space rocks and I can kill you instead!"

"I'm trying!" he shouted, wincing as the console sparked in his face. He pressed a button and the turbulence stopped momentarily before a single, overbearing shudder passed through the ship. "I think we've landed." he commented thoughtfully, trying to figure out where they had set down. Suddenly, the power flared and went out. "Problem is, I'm not sure where."

Donna rolled her eyes and followed the Doctor to the doors of the TARDIS.

"It's never easy with you, is it? Always some... thing" she waved her hands in the air. "has to go wrong. Can't we have just one adventure where neither of us is in danger of dying? Hmm? Would that be too much to ask? And you still owe me a beach!"

"Yes I know." the Doctor dismissed absent mindedly. "Wonder where we've landed." he turned to her, obviously curious and excited. "Besides, where would be the fun without any danger? Allons-y!" he threw open the door the doors to reveal...a London flat. A man was gaping at them from an armchair in front of where the police box had landed. He choked over words for a second before calling out a name.

"SH-SHERLOCK!?" a man came walking into the sitting room holding a jar of what seemed to be eyeballs in his hand.

"What is I now Joh-" he cut off as he saw the police box. ""John. Why is there a 1900s police box in our flat?"

John gaped at the Doctor as he exited the TARDIS.

"Not a police box, the TARDIS. The police box style it's taken after visually was first introduced in the late 1920s to be exact. And it's not his fault, we seen to have landed here by mistake. Sorry bout that." he looked around curiously for a moment before double taking. "Wait. Sherlock Holmes? The detective?"

Sherlock looked at him apprehensively.

"Consulting detective, yes. Is there another Sherlock Holmes? If so I do hope he's not an idiot."

"Oh I very sincerely doubt it." the Doctor gushed excitedly. "I haven't gotten to meet you yet. Been all over your time period and never got to check in. Donna, this is Sherlock Holmes." the Doctor introduced, clapping Sherlock on the shoulder. "He'll be very famous soon in your timeline." John stood up, slightly regaling the ability to process reality.

"Hold on, what? What are you doing here?"

"Tha's what I wanna know." Donna said, smacking the Doctor's arm. "You said you were gonna take me to a planet made of diamonds! Not some terribly wallpapered flat in London!"

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