Love in the Stars

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The voice of my mother rang out throughout the house. I chose to ignore her. I was too tired to deal with her this morning.


I rolled over onto my back and threw my arms over my eyes,

"Yes?" I mumbled lazily. Low enough for her not to hear.

"Kaelyn Buras, I know you're up and you can hear me! I'm gonna count to five-"

I jumped out of my bed and dashed down the hallway to look down at my scowling mother from the balcony.

"Yes mom?"

"You know it's your first day of junior year! You need to be getting ready! I am about to head out to work and I want to make sure your dressed and that you get there safely."

I sighed and nodded at her. Junior year... the year before becoming I will become a senior. It would be an easy transition if I was still at my old high school. Except my mom just had to get a job promotion. So, we had to move from the lovely state of Florida up to the state of Smyrna, Tennessee.

Though it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Apparently my parents owned a house up there. They built it when I was a baby. Then my dad got a huge job opportunity down in Florida that he just couldn't miss out on, and he had to sell the house. He didn't want to sell it to just anyone, so he sold it to a family friend until someone better came along or until we came back.

To say our house was huge would be an understatement. There was a total of twenty-one rooms in the house (counting the bathrooms and the rooms in the garage). My parents, my brother, and I each had our own separate rooms.

Though the roughest part of moving would be the new school. I would be the new girl. Nobody would know me. New teachers trying to figure out if I'm a trouble-maker or not. The cliques would designate me as either a "freak" or the "pretty girl so she can hang out with us." That's gonna be tough.

I was cut out of my thoughts by the sound of my mother talking.

"-got your new car outside. We decided that you were responsible-"

"Wait what?!" I said, shocked. Did she just say what I thought she just said? My mother laughed at me, noticing my expression and repeated, "Because of my new hours at work, I won't be able to take you to school. I also don't trust school buses to keep you safe. You're also a junior, Kaelyn. We should have given you a car a long time ago."

I was speechless. My jaw was practically on the floor. I was like that for a few seconds before I gained the voice to start squealing. I jumped up and down like a maniac. I ran down the steps two at a time, almost falling on my face. Once I got off the steps I rammed into my mother, almost knocking her to the floor.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much!"

She chuckled. "You're welcome sweetheart."

I pulled away from the hug and started jumping up and down. "Where is it? Where is it? Can I see it?"

"It's in the garage and you can see it when you get dressed!"

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, I sprinted up the stairs and into my room. I threw open my closet doors and started rummaging through different outfits. I eventually found a white, silk button down. I chose to also wear my Hollister jeans with them, along with my white heels. Looking into my full length mirror, I decided that I good, then went to do my hair. I brushed at my long brown hair persistently until it was as straight and soft.

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