Rocky Railworks

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It is always important that the railway lines on the Island of Sodor are safe. This is a particular safety measure for the little engines in the Hills of Sodor. Tracks that are damaged that help the Narrow Gauge engines to go up the many terraces at the Blue Mountain Quarry or along the mountain lines to campsites and higher village stations can cause serious accidents.

(Peter Sam can be seen.)

One day, Rheneas was shunting trucks down from the upper terrace at the Blue Mountain Quarry to bring them down for Paxton to collect and deliver to the Docks, when the Thin Controller arrived.

"Peter Sam has had an accident." he explained. "He had come off the rails and slid down the mountain into a ditch. Luckily he has been rescued and just needs some minor repairs on his wheels. But we need some new rails and sleepers to repair the broken track as soon as possible. The damaged line has been closed to avoid any further and possibly more terrible accidents from happening. I want you, Rheneas, to collect the rails from the Transfer Yards and deliver them to the workmen."

"Yes, sir!" whistled Rheneas, and he went.

Rheneas soon arrived at the Transfer Yards. Thomas had delivered the sleepers and rails and left again. The cranes were loading the provisions onto some flatbeds for Rheneas to push to the damaged tracks.

Soon Rheneas was on his way. He pushed his flatbeds along the line, knowing to be careful for when he reached the mountain route.

(He passes Skarloey and Sir Handel along the way.)

At the signal before the mountain route, Rheneas saw Freddie. He looked cross.

"What's the matter, Freddie?" asked Rheneas.

"Ah, just been diverted away from those damaged tracks. Had to take one of the old tracks I know. But my passengers complained of being late." grumbled Freddie.

"Don't worry, Freddie." smiled Rheneas. "I'm heading up to the damaged line. We're laying new rails down. All will be back to schedule again soon."

"Good!" Freddie perked up and steamed off again as the signals changed.

Rheneas was nearly at the damaged track. He was looking forward to sorting out the mess and helping all of his friends.

Meanwhile, Mighty Mac was having trouble. They had been given the job of taking Peter Sam's trucks as well as their own as they were the strongest engine on the Thin Controller's Railway. But they were being delayed and the extra loads took up more room on the tracks.

Then Mighty Mac were halted down by a workman.

"The track still needs repairing. Rheneas is coming from behind with the new rails and sleepers. Your train will need to be shunted into the next siding so Rheneas can get past." he said.

"Yes, sir." mumbled Mighty.

"Right away, sir." frowned Mac.

Mighty Mac begrudgingly pulled into the siding further up the line. They stopped into the buffers. But what they didn't know was that the long line of trucks did not fit into the siding. Five trucks and the guard's van were sticking out onto the main track, and Rheneas was coming.

To make matters worse, Rheneas was pushing his flatbeds ahead of him so he couldn't see the blockage on the line.

Then it happened.

Rheneas pushed his flatbeds straight into Mighty Mac's trucks. The rails and sleepers fell off the flatbeds, and the trucks came off the rails.

"Oh no!" cried Rheneas.

"Oh my!" cried Mighty.

"Oh, for the love of Proteus!" groaned Mac.

Now the sleepers and rails were all over the line and undelivered, Mighty Mac was trapped in the siding and Rheneas was unable to help his friends.

"Hold on, Mighty Mac!" he called. "I'll go and get help!"

So as the workmen came to the scene of the crash and collected the provisions on the rails, Rheneas arrived at the depot. The Thin Controller and Duke were there.

(Duncan can be seen shunting there.)

"Sir! Sir!" shouted Rheneas. "My flatbeds collided with Mighty Mac's trucks and have come off the rails. We need help to clear the line."

"Duke, you know what to do!" commanded the Thin Controller.

"Right you are, sir!" whistled Duke and he followed Rheneas to the crash site.

Soon Duke's breakdown cranes were placing the trucks back onto the rails. Luckily, the crash wasn't far from the damaged tracks and workmen were able to carry the rails and sleepers by hand to the spot, so not much time was lost.

Duke eventually had all the trucks back on the tracks and Mighty Mac was free again.

"Thank you, Duke!" said Mighty.

"Yes, thanks, Duke!" tooted Mac.

"Thank you, indeed!" whistled Rheneas.

Duke smiled. "Repetitive scallywags!"

At long last, the workmen had taken out the broken tracks and replaced them with the new ones.

Mighty Mac tested the lines with their heavy trucks and this time, there were no accidents. The job was a success!

Rheneas smiled happily.

That evening, Rheneas came to the sheds to find the Thin Controller waiting.

"Rheneas, in future, when there are damaged tracks and delayed trains around, you must always be careful and make sure you can see where you are going." he said firmly.

"I know that now, sir." said Rheneas.

"However, this all just goes to show..." continued the Thin Controller, "...damaged tracks on any railway, particularly a hillside one like this, can only ever cause delay and confusion!"

All the engines, especially Rheneas, agreed.

(The End!)

Thomas and Friends Fanfiction Series 3Where stories live. Discover now