Chapter 3

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I was supposed to update later but I got an amazing idea so I wouldn't let it pass and forget it in the past

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I was supposed to update later but I got an amazing idea so I wouldn't let it pass and forget it in the past......did I just made a rhyme?


"Good, final question for Mister Henderson. When did Alexander Hamilton died, and how old is he?" Ms. Vortesku asked as Laurens felt that the name sounds familiar to him, too familiar, and felt a slight tug from his heart like the question hurts him but he answered nonetheless, "Alexander Hamilton died at July 12 1804 and at the age of 47," Laurens felt his heart clenched yet he ignore the feeling and move on as the time continues.


*bring*!! *bring*!! "Okay, class, make sure you study about calculus for we have a pop quiz week. Now, get out and go to your next class!" a male teacher bitterly said as he began to mumble incoherent words about the rowdy students. "Geez, the old geezer needs some chill pill," Hercules stated as they went inside the music room to see an another young woman with auburn hair and chocolate brown eyes with thin-shaped glasses.

 "Geez, the old geezer needs some chill pill," Hercules stated as they went inside the music room to see an another young woman with auburn hair and chocolate brown eyes with thin-shaped glasses

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"Magandang hapon-Oh I mean, Good afternoon, class! My name is Alexis Joanne Fajarde, but call me Ms. Joanne, your music teacher, and let me guess, your homeroom teacher is Claudine?" Ms. Joanne asked the surprised looks, "I'll take that as a yes. Well, she and my other friend, by the way who is your last teacher, were my classmates and close friends in elementary in the Philippines, so expect me to blurt out some random Filipino words," the Filipina teacher explained and went to the piano then pressed a high key. "So, shall we start?" Ms. Joanne asked.

After Music Class.....

"Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf....." Ms. Joanne sang with the class as she played the piano, *bring*! *bring*! "Oh, it's time for your last period! Can you all be a dear and tell her I said hi! Now, goodbye class and see you tomorrow!" she bid goodbye to the bunch of teenagers as they also said their goodbye and nodded to the teacher's favor then walked out of the classroom. "Man, I didn't know counting in French is hard," Laurens complained as he and his 2 friends walked along the corridors, "Mon ami, it's not zat hard!" Lafayette exclaimed as the American and Irish deadpanned at him. The trio stopped in front of a classroom and went inside to see a room full of canvas with stands, chairs, a table at the front, paints, paint brushes, and tons of paintings and drawings hanging on the walls of the room. After they examined the room, they sat and waited for the teacher with their classmates, which some of them started to sleep, and some of them keep on chattering. A loud slam was heard from the door as they turned their heads to a tired and panting teacher with her hands on the knees, catching her breath and fixed her posture as she noticed the students' stares, "Well, hello class! My name is Bianka Zacharias, your art teacher for the rest of the year. Any questions?"

 Any questions?"

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Ms. Zacharias asked as she saw a student's hand raised, "Yes?" "Ummm.....Miss Zacharias, Miss Joanne wanted to say 'hi' by the way," he said as the short-haired teacher groans irritatingly. "That woman.....okay, let's start. Does anyone of you knows a famous artist?" Ms. Zacharias started....

After Art Class.....damn, so sorry for the timeskips.

"That's the end of it, students! For your first assignment, yes assignment and I don't care if today is the first day of school. You will paint the time where your life has a sudden turn, and it's due date is next week, Tuesday. So, good luck and start working, goodbye class!" the teacher practically raced out of the door, and all of them started to leave the classroom and go home......well the go home part is wrong for the famous trio for they went to Starbucks to have some, well, 'Guy Time'. The trio walked up the counter and ordered for drinks and slices of different types, as Lafayette and Hercules talked with each other; Laurens saw a young girl, about 13 years old or so, long light chocolate hair about the length of her mid-back, chocolate eyes, light chocolate skin, wore a black glasses, a navy blue short sleeves blouse with a ribbon around the collar of the blouse, ripped jeans, a pair of dark blue converse, a flunnel around the girl's waist, a maroon beanie on top of her hair, her black earphones on her ears and, was typing on her white laptop while checking on her blue covered cellphone. 'That girl really loves the color blue' is the first thought of the 17 years old American, "Hey, Laur, can you find a seat for us? 'Cuz, you know, Lafayette is flirting with the lady on the counter....." Hercules trailed off and Laurens nodded and went to find a table, which is beside the young teenage girl. Laurens sat on the chair and waited for his French friend to stop with his flirting and get their orders, he glanced at the girl and the girl looked up to him and said, "You should stop glancing at me, John Laurens Henderson". As the words left from her mouth, Laurens was shocked from her answer, 'How does she know my-" his thoughts were cut off as the girl spoke once again, "It's a secret, Mister Henderson, in fact, I know you're waiting for your friends, which one of them is flirting with the lady on the counter and no, you didn't thought it out loud. And no, I'm not a psychic," the brunette kept on typing on her laptop, drank her chocolate cream drink,and ate a tiny piece of her cinnamon bun. "Laurens, here's your drink and cake-why are you staring at the dudette?" Hercules asked as Laurens looked at Hercules and Lafayette, "Uh, it's nothing, it's just.....never mind," Laurens said as the three of them started to drink their drinks, ate their cakes, and talk about their lives. After eating and drinking, the trio threw their trash and start walking towards the exit, Laurens was stopped by the same girl earlier, who typed rapidly on her cell phone and one of her earphone buds was removed, "Guys......I'll catch up to you in a second," Laurens said to his friends as they shrugged but they walk outside. "What?" Laurens flinched as he asked quite rudely, he was about to say sorry for his rudeness but he was stopped by the girl's raised light chocolate hand yet she's still typing, "You don't need to say sorry, Laurens. You know, you look exactly like his son but I didn't stopped you for that. did live to see your glory. I hope you understand in the future," she said as she walked past Laurens, her eyes still glued on her phone, yet you can see in her eyes that she knows something nobody knows, like everything is just for entertainment. She opened the door but before that, she turned her head over her shoulder, "Raise a glass to freedom~" she sang then left, leaving a dumbfounded Laurens alone.

YES, I KNOW, I'M SUPPOSED TO SLEEP SINCE IT'S 1:11 IN THE MORNING BUT IDC! And yes, I'm that mysterious girl who loves the color blue and the teachers I specifically named are important so......remember them in the future. I'll meet you guys on the next chapter!

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