24 - meaning of love

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Carrington Ann Durham

We were closer than we've been in awhile. His heartbeat slowed down as he put his hand on the back on my neck. "I'm sorry for what I've been doing" Hayes whispered looking me in the eyes. It didn't take too long after that he started to lean in. His eyes slowly closed as mine did too.

The lips I adored, and missed were back. The taste of his lips lingered on mine as we pulled apart. "Now come on, let's go have our own couples night" He grinned taking my hand. We quietly sneaked out of the house, running onto the beach. "It's cold out here" I stated crossing my arms, holding them against my skin.

"Take this" Hayes quickly took off his sweatshirt handing it to me. "But then you'll be cold" I pouted not accepting his jacket. "Does it look like I care" He remarked and passed it back over. "Thank you" I told him while putting it over my head. "You look hot in my clothes" He laughed while holding both of my hands.

"Shut up I look like trash wearing baggy clothes" I giggled at his stupid self. Our hands were laced together as we started to walk down by the shore. Even though it got very silent as we walked, it was a comfortable silence. The sound of waves crashing against the sand and our footsteps soothed me.

"Do you think we'll be something in the future?" Hayes questioned me as we kept walking. "I hope we will" I told him honestly, looking down at our feet.

"I want to watch you walk down the isle in a gorgeous wedding dress and marry you, I want to have kids with you and watch them get big together. I want to grow old with my beautiful wife, my best friend for life." Hayes told me which made me warm inside.

"Do you really mean that?" I asked him stopping in our tracks. "I meant every word I said" He raised my hand and kissed it making me blush.

"And I know I'm probably still too young to know what love is, but you've defined the meaning of it for me."

Hayes kept going on about why he loves me, which he knew made me feel 100% better. It was starting to get late which meant we had to get back home. "Thank you for being the best thing that's ever happened to me" I told him as we were about to walk onto the deck. "No problemo" He snickered then stopped walking.

I furrowed my eyebrows together as I wondered what he was doing. "Wanna try something?" He smirked at me which made me hesitant to answer.

"What kind of something?"

"Baby making but without the baby or making part" My neck almost snapped as I turned my head in his direction.

"Hayes not now, there's too many people here" I laughed as I shook my head. "Who said we would do it in the house?" He shrugged his shoulders as his grin got wider. "Hayes!" I slapped his chest as he started to laugh more.

"Sex and sand don't mix first of all" I rolled my eyes. "There's an ocean right there" He pointed to the water. He couldn't keep a straight face which made me laugh too. "Oh come on, live a little" He smirked and pulled me closer.  "I don't really want to live a little" I giggled as he smiled at me.

"You're really cute" Hayes kissed my forehead as we finally got to the house. "I know I am" I cockily told him making him put his hands up. "Ok missy" He laughed. I went into our room and started to find my pj's before I took a shower. I was just about to start my shower when Hayes ran in.

"Get out stupid" I shoved him out and closed the door fast. I locked the door then started to strip my clothes off. Knowing my loving boyfriend would somehow break in anytime soon, I turned the shower knob all the way to cold. 

I didn't mind the cold since I could get used to it easily. Not even 30 seconds later I heard the door open which made me laugh. "You thought you were cute to lock the door, well nothing can stop me HOLY SHIT" As soon as he stepped in the shower he started to scream.

"WHY IS IT SO FUCKING COLD CARRIE?!" He shouted from outside of the shower. "It keeps the Hayes' away" I giggled and continued to wash my hair.


"What if I get hypothermia from that cold water touching my skin?" Hayes groaned and acted like he was dying. I rolled my eyes and cuddled up next to him as we watched a show about hurricanes.

"You're so mean to me" Hayes laughed knowing I planned it all. "I just know you too well" I reached up to kiss him then laid back down against his bare chest.

"This was a fun night" I told him with my eyes closed.

"Who said it was over?"

"Bitch I did"

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