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adrenaline • calypso • adage



14 May, 11:29 am

"I love you."

If Chaya was dazzled before, she was shocked now.

When he saw her jaw hang open, Aditya realized what a dumb move he had made. He was now supposed to apologize and offer to buy her something. He was supposed to say something smart and hit if off with her. But instead, he just kept staring at her and ended up not saying anything.

He expected Chaya to look at him in disgust and stomp away, but instead she was frozen just like Aditya.

Because Aditya was so focused on Chaya, he hadn't noticed another girl standing right beside her. When the other girl had tugged Chaya's arm and pulled Chaya out of the cafe, then Aditya noticed her. When she was dragging Chaya out of the cafe, she coulsn't help but feel mad at her.

Though he didn't moved, his eyes followed her as she was being dragged out of the cafe by the girl who was explaining Chaya that Aditya was such a weirdo. His heart skipped a beat when Chaya turned around to look at Aditya with a longing look in her eye.

When she seemed close to disappearing, he panicked.

He ran towards the table where Rehaan and Justin were seated and slapped the receipt on the table. "Get the food."

"What happened?" panicked Justin.

"I found her."

The three words triggered the energy back into the two friends, causing them to frantically turn their heads. Before he could offer any more explanations, Aditya had ran off to the cafe's door trying to keep Chaya in sight. While both the friends were going to follow him, Rehaan reminded Justin to get the food first. Ignoring his complaints, Rehaan too rushed to follow his friend.

Aditya ran behind Chaya and her friend. He didn't want to lose her again.
"Chaya!" he finally yelled.

Chaya - whose back was facing him - stopped for a second, but began walking like she hadn't hear him. Aditya sped up and stopped her. He was panting, but he held up his hand to tell her to just stop and hear him out.

"What?" Chaya finally spoke.

"Hi," he said.

"What?" she repeated.

"Okay, I'm sorry. What I said sounded extremely dumb and creepy and I swear it wasn't meant to sound like that. But please don't just walk away like that. Just... just hear me out."

She crossed her arms, disinterested. "Fine. Whatever, speak."

Aditya controlled his urge to roll his eyes. She likes me already, why is she even trying to play hard to get?

He extended his hand. "I'm Aditya Rai. Final year in engineering. Really nice to meet you."

"Such a weirdo," the friend spoke up.

Aditya felt like chasing around the friend with a stick in the park. First, she dragged Chaya off, and now she is giving her oh so useful opinion when he was finally able to talk to her.

"Thank you, I was waiting for the oppurtunity to impress you," he deadpanned sarcastically.

Chaya chuckled at that. Ignoring her friend's glare, she shook his hand. "Hi, I'm Chaya."

Even if he had tried to cover his grin, Aditya wouldn't have been able to. The two shook hands, while staring at each other, smiling. Her hand felt warm. Even though they had spent a night together doing more than shaking hands, her touch still brought sparks. He confirmed his attraction to Chaya isn't just physical.

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